Archive for March 2014

The Unspeakable Joy of Publishing

Your Baby is Born

Your Baby is Born

by Bob Schwarztrauber

In our hearty pursuit of the tangible rewards of book publishing, ie., “The Money” we often give short shrift to an aspect that truly makes us rich, regardless of whether the masses buy our book or not.

It’s that indescribable feeling of warmth and joy that every author experiences when the thoughts in his head turned to words on a page finally become a finished book he can hold in his own two hands.

Pride is the word you would use to describe such a feeling – if you have never experienced it yourself. Because the actual feeling goes so much deeper. It would be like telling the new mom she must be so proud of her new baby. While in reality, her joy is unspeakable.

While most of the articles and resources you find here in the club are designed to help you achieve greater monetary wealth from your writing and publishing efforts, you will always enjoy the intangible reward, the feeling of “pride” that you get, and who you become when you can finally hold your own printed book in your own two hands.

And that my friends is a wealth that can never be taken away. Revel in it. Enjoy it for all it’s worth. Then go out and write another to capture that same feeling again and again. Become a Serial Publisher!  (as a monetary side note, I can’t resist, it turns out books in a series tend to sell better than one-off, stand-alone books)

Why am I waxing on about such an ethereal topic today, you may wonder?

Well, it’s because one of my good friends, Greg Liberto, aka “The HEAD Coach” called to tell me he has found his new book, his first book, to help golfers improve their game and play 100% READY18 Holes: How to Stop the A.N.T.s from Stealing Your Game is now up and selling on

I could hear the “pride” in his voice. And I feel proud and honored that I was able to help him finally achieve the goal of publishing his first book.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret, I think Greg won’t mind. Even before the book was officially available in printed form, Greg has experienced tangible results in his coaching business at just the mention of his book coming out. Even before it was printed. And this is not an uncommon occurrence.

Are you ready for the feeling that publishing your first book will provide?

Are you ready for greater wealth? Spiritually, emotionally, and monetarily?

You can have it.

Start your book if you haven’t already. (Our members have but to ask for help if they need it.)


It doesn’t have to be a weighty tome your first time out. Solve one problem, offer one solution. Write about what you already know. (In an upcoming article, I’ll show you how to write a great book even if you know nothing about nothing!)

Many Kindle books can be found of 20 or so pages in length. It’s not wealth, but it’s a start. A start that anyone can make. We all know something. We all have a unique skill, perspective, solution to at least one problem. It may seem small to you, but it might be just the key that someone else needs.

Rome wasn’t built in a day my friends. But it was built because it was begun and finished.

If you’re a member (and it’s free to join) let me know how I can help you get started on and/or finish and publish your first or next book.





How To Grow Your Writing Business

pear tree -62854_640

by Bob Schwarztrauber

The winter seemed incredibly long that year. Time always does that when you’re waiting for something good; as if teasing you will make reaching the ultimate goal that much more enjoyable.

And I had big plans for this spring. BIG plans!

As soon as the ground was warm enough I planted my seeds ever so carefully, as though they were gold. Not too deep, in a spot with just the right sun, and where I could water them easily.

They sprouted up quickly enough in the summer sun and I was sure I would be tasting that ripe, delicious fruit very soon. But soon never came.

We got cooler temperatures and autumn leaves instead. The winter cold and snow quickly moved in. Luckily, the dreams of children are not so easily put aside. I knew that next spring my tree would have a head start and was sure to bear the fruit I had so carefully planted.

But as the snow cleared and the warming rays of sun prevailed, my tender plant was no where to be found.

Turns out, this naive child of 10 had made a critical mistake. Lemon trees don’t grow in Buffalo, NY.. They need a warm tropical climate, they need the proper environment.

And so it is with your book.

Your book is your seed which you hope will grow into a mighty business that bears perpetual fruit, mucho dinero, greenbacks.

But you can’t just throw your seed out there anywhere and hope.

The best way to write a book that grows into something big is to consider where the roots will spread.

Think of your best prospect, the people you write the book for, as your soil. They will provide the nutrients you need to succeed, ie. the money.

You should take time to learn all about the people you are writing for. What are their problems, their hopes, their dreams? What do they want?

Zig Ziglar, the famous motivational speaker and sales trainer always said, “You can have anything you want in this world if you will only give enough other people what they want.” In other words, if you give the people what they WANT they will reward you. Note that he did not say give them what they need, or what YOU think they need. People will always find a way to buy what they want.

Learn what your audience, your readers want, before you ever begin to write.

How do we know what they want? We look at what they are already buying. Then we give them more of that. A better version. One that’s faster, more thorough, easier, produces higher returns. That’s the part you have to figure out. Ask, “How can I use my knowledge and unique experience, or a twist to give the reader a better product?”

Immerse yourself in the prospective reader’s world for a time. Learn all about the soil. Be part of their communities. Get to know them and let them get to know you. Ask questions. Offer surveys and rewards. Find out what’s keeping them up at night. What problem are they desperate to solve? Then solve it for them and tell them you have the solution.

Since you have already been part of their community for a while, and your book is written to finally solve their most pressing problem, you will have eager buyers just waiting for your book to be available. Instant cash flow.

This is so much better than writing your book and then going out to look for buyers. Your seed won’t grow if you just plant it wherever. No matter how carefully you craft it.

Like the lemon tree, your book needs the right environment to grow.

But if you get it right, your seed might just become like the mighty oak tree that bears fruit and drops seed for future growth like clockwork, for decades to come.

Your book can grow into a perpetual money machine.

But what do “your people” want?

Think about this. And If you’re a member and get “stumped” -go ahead and ask me for help.