Archive for June 2014

Ignor the Doubters, it IS Possible for YOU

Get Directions From Someone Who's Been There.

Get Directions From Someone Who’s Been There.

Guys hate to ask for directions.
No matter how long it takes, or how far out of our way it takes us, we prefer to figure it out for ourselves. We don’t need no help. (Even with our grammar!)

When going to a new friend’s house to throw back a few beers, this no-help strategy is fairly harmless. In fact, it’s a rather clever strategy if your wife is making you go to a party you don’t want to go to.

But in business, trying to navigate your own way to a new destination (hopefully a higher plane or greater success) is just foolish. You’ll waste both time and money needlessly and delay or ultimately sabotage the very success you hoped to achieve.

A better strategy in business is to ask for directions. Get help.

Hopefully you understand that you don’t want just any advice. You want to get directions from someone who been where you want to go.

You wouldn’t ask Fred in Toledo how to get to 8th and Lexington in New York City would you?

No, you’d ask a cabbie in NYC! Someone who’s been there, someone who knows the shortcuts.

And so it is with book writing.

Chances are your friends have never written a book. So why listen when they tell you you can’t? Why listen when they tell you it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make any money as a writer? Why listen when they tell you it’s hard? Why listen when they tell you it will take you a long time?

All lies!

Unless they’ve done it successfully, your friends, your spouse, your boss, your relatives and your neighbor will all give you the wrong directions.

And you’ll never get to where you want to go.

On the other hand, when you talk to someone who HAS written a book, or several, published them, and made money from them, now you have directions for success.

You hear that it is POSSIBLE!

Often, it’s easier than you originally thought too!

Just as it is the second time you go to your friend’s house. Just as it is anytime you do something repeatedly. Or have someone experienced right beside you, to show you the way. To give you accurate directions.

If you’d like to write a book, I’d be happy to show you the way. Call me.

At the very least, grab a copy of my book, “Book Writing Magic”. It’s already helped many people write and publish their first book.

Think of it as a map which takes you step by step, turn by turn into becoming the successful author you always wanted to be.

Guys can use a map. It doesn’t break the macho code like asking someone for directions.

And the ladies are light years ahead of us guys. They already know it’s faster and easier to ask for help up front than to wander aimlessly. And they know it’s more fun to go with someone than to go it alone.

And like the faithful dog, I’m always eager to go for a ride with you.
I’ve been down the author’s road 20+ times myself. Many times with others.

I’ll be happy to show you the way, or just to ride beside you to encourage you, to inspire confidence, to help you stay on track, or to guide you back if you get lost along the way..

Sometimes, having someone there to encourage us makes all the difference in the world.

There’s a lot of negative in the world.

But I know writing a book is POSSIBLE For you.

by Bob Schwarztrauber

How Steve Coburn Rants Help You

Share Your Story

Share Your Story

Steve Coburn, co-owner of California Chrome, the latest horse to lose a bid for the Triple Crown of horse racing, gave the world an earful just minutes after his colt lost at the Belmont Stakes.

While much of the media, his wife, and I’m sure many of his fans were upset at his ranting of “Cowards!” and “Cheaters!” toward the spoiler Tonalist team, I for one am glad he brought the situation to light. I did not know (or never really got that deep into horse racing) to know that different horses came in and out of the three races that form the Triple Crown.

It starts with the Kentucky Derby, then the Preakness Stakes, and finally completes with The Belmont Stakes.

36 years have past since the same horse won all three races. Now I understand better why that is.

It is grueling for one horse to compete in three races like this so close together. Typically, these horses compete in one race per month. Here they are charged with running three high-profile, highly competitive races in just  5 weeks time.

How can it be fair to bring in a fresh horse like Tonalist, to compete against a horse that had just run two major races in the last few weeks?

To drone on about this topic would only serve to highlight my ignorance of this grand sport, which admittedly I only take interest in once or twice per year. I watch the Triple Crown races, and occasionally take a trip to the nearby (and picturesque) Fort Erie Race Track in Ontario, Canada to watch them in person. (and indulge in the foolish pursuit  of turning my $2 bet into a fortune betting on some long-shot who looks strong or worse, has a name which I think is cool).

But I think what is important here is the message Steve Coburn brings. That is, if you don’t open your mouth (or put pen to paper) people will remain ignorant, uninformed, and NOTHING WILL CHANGE!

You have a message to share. A talent. A unique perspective. A better way. A safer way. A faster way. A fairer way. You know something we don’t know…YET!

Please tell us!

You’re not as alone as you think.

I forget where I heard this, but it goes like this:

“If you’re one in a million, and there are 7 billion of people on this planet,  that means there are seven thousand other people just like you.”

They share your interests. They share your fears. They share your hopes and your struggles.

Won’t you help them?

In our lifetime it’s likely that none of us will have the opportunity to be heard by tens of millions around the world like Steve Coburn, but we all have a chance to be heard by hundreds of people in our own town. Thousands across our nations. Perhaps millions through the internet.

You, like Steve Coburn, have the opportunity to change something for the better through the written or spoken word.

The only question is: “Will You?”

Writing a book is great way to start and it’s not nearly so hard as you think.

Let me know if I can help you.

by Bob Schwarztrauber