Archive for May 2014

This Eliminates Writer’s Block Forever!

Putting a Stop to Writer's Block

Putting a Stop to Writer’s Block

Do you ever get “writer’s block”?

You know, that feeling when you sit at the keyboard or with pen and paper and you need to write something, but can’t?

You’re stumped. Clueless. And as the minutes tick by, you become more and more stressed about wasting your time. But there it is. A deadline that won’t go away!

What to do!

Here’s a tip. Just start writing. Anything!

Write complete nonsense. Create lists of anything. Just write words as they come into your head or as you look around the room.

Like real physical exercise to get our body moving, sometimes we just have to start, move a little to get the momentum going. It’s the same with our writing.

Once you begin by cracking open the idea spigot, thoughts suddenly begin to flow out. Slowly at first, but once begun you’ll find it hard to turn off.

I’ve included a simple Writer’s Idea Matrix to help you. Simply mix words from different columns in the matrix to begin generating ideas. You can also use this matrix as a template to create your own industry or topic specific matrix. Feel free to share the pdf matrix file with whomever you like. Post it on Facebook if you think it will help someone you know.

Short and sweet today. I’m looking forward to celebrating the Memorial Day Holiday with friends and family.

This year will be particularly special since I’m now devoting a great deal of time on a book and program to help our 1000’s of war veterans deal with PTSD, post-tramatic stress disorder.

If you know a veteran who might be interested in offering or contributing his or her own unique story to the book or could benefit from having a copy when completed, please put them in touch with me.

by Bob Schwarztrauber

Click here for the free Writer’s Idea Matrix PDF

The Conversation That Changes Lives

kid on phone 2

I’m sitting at the Holiday Inn hotel bar, in downtown Shanghai China, well into my second beer and having a wonderful conversation with a beautiful Chinese bartender… when my wife walks in!

Well, to be perfectly honest, she wasn’t my wife at the time, but she soon would be.

That night, she (my wife now) was the lead singer in the band “Livewire” that was playing at the hotel and I was a hotel guest, relaxing after a long day (of sightseeing!).

Would you like to know how these two strangers changed their lives forever?

It was a conversation.

Somehow I, a not so extroverted (nor especially handsome) gentleman, summoned the courage to go up and TALK to this lovely singer on one of their breaks. I started the conversation with this group by offering a compliment, which by the way is a great way to begin any conversation. The band invited me to sit with them, which I did.

And I made up my mind that night, I decided, that I should marry the girl who walked into the Shanghai hotel bar and change my life forever.

If not for that first conversation, who knows?

I was reminded of the power of one conversation at my daughter’s 8th grade graduation dance last night. The MC was talking about his first day at St. Mary’s school. It was on that day he said, that he met his best friend. And they’ve been married now for 25 years.

You talk to a girl or guy. You go for a job interview. You are introduced to someone at a meeting or dinner or party.

One conversation can alter the course of your life forever.

I gave a talk to a group of Toastmasters about book writing. Within 30 days 4 books had moved from thought to completion.

I’ve helped many others since that time.

If you’ve been thinking about writing a book it’s time to stop. Stop thinking about it and do it.

Fear of the unknown stops many people from moving forward. It stops them from having a conversation they know they should have. Sometimes we wish someone would start a conversation with us, so we don’t have to be the first to show interest.

I’m starting a conversation with you right now. I’m interested in what YOUR BOOK, YOUR IDEA  is about.

I’m a pretty easy guy to talk to. Let’s talk about writing your book.

That ONE CONVERSATION could change your life forever.

Funny thing I’ve learned about success. You have to reach out and get it. YOU have to decide to move forward. Do the thing you fear and the fear will disappear.

You gotta say YOU WANT IT!

Let’s talk about your success today.

At the bottom of this page you’ll find both my email and phone number to open a conversation that could change your life forever.