Archive for May 2014

The Formula for Writing Useful Books the Easy Way

How Useful Books are Written - Fast and Easy

How Useful Books are Written – The Fast and Easy Way

Formulas help us do things faster, easier, more reliably. Luckily, I’ve discovered a formula for fast, easy book creation.

If you’re a busy professional who needs a book published, or a graduate student, or just someone trying to leapfrog to the head of the pack quickly, you need to read this post.

I’ve always loved fast. Fast cars. Roller coasters. Airplane takeoffs. Fast lawn cutting so I can get to the FUN part of the day. I think we all have a need for speed.

Conversely, we never have enough time. No matter how fast we go, there’s always more to do. Often, things get put on hold. Too often it’s the important, but not critical, things that get put on hold.

We’re constantly pulling weeds instead of planting crops. Putting out fires instead of watering or clearing dead brush.

Book writing is one of those things that often gets put on hold. The most common excuse is, “I haven’t time.” This is closely followed by, “I wouldn’t know where to start.”

Today I’d like to offer you the opportunity to banish those excuses forever. This is important because as long as you cling to your excuses, you cannot make progress.

Writing your book is progress. It’s planting the seeds of an easier, more successful and rewarding future. It’s the little hinge that will open big doors. It’s the lever you stand on to move the world.

Enough metaphors. You get the idea. If you’re reading this, you know you need to finally write your book and you just want to know how. How to get it done quick and easy because the wolf is at the door again. Oops…slipped another metaphor in on you. My apologies.

OK. Here it is. The simple formula I’ve discovered that works for every field I can think of. If you’re an expert at something (and we all are) you can write your first or next book quickly using this formula.

I call it the 10Q EZ Book Writing Formula.

It works like this…

Write down the 10 most commonly asked questions people have about your field. Your FAQ’s (frequently asked questions). For example, if you train dogs, what are the top ten questions people are always asking about training dogs? I love dogs, well behaved dogs, so let me have a shot at this. Admittedly, I’m no expert but I used to have a dog so I’ll bet I can do this:

1. How do you keep your dog from always barking at strangers?
2. How do you stop your dog from peeing in the house?
3. How do you get your dog to not pull on the leash?
4. How do you get your dog to stay?
5. How do you get your dog to sit?
6. How do you get your dog to NOT beg for food at the table?
7. How do you get your dog to stay off the furniture?
8. How do you get your puppy to stop whining at night?
9. How do you keep your dog from tearing up the house when you leave?
10. How do you stop your dog from digging in the yard.

I timed myself. Remember, I’m no dog training expert. It took me exactly 2 minutes and 37 seconds to list all those, off the top of my head, and I’m a slowish typer to boot.

If you’re an expert, or even just good at what you do, you can create a quick list like that to help your prospects or clients.

Guess what? Answer those 10 questions thoroughly and you have the makings of a useful book that gets done fast and will have maximum appeal to the marketplace.

You can write out the answers in a Microsoft Word file. What if each day for the next ten days you answer just ONE question. In just ten days your useful book will be nearly complete. Please tell me you can find, commit to just one hour a night for the next ten days. Could you write on your lunch hour? Most Americans could skip eating lunch for a while and not die.

Oh, think of your book writing as a weight loss program. Lose 5 pounds in a week by writing on your lunch hour instead of eating!

But seriously, you can use this formula to create a great first book. You can plant the seeds of opportunity by just answering the top ten questions your clients have.

It works for Financial Advisors, Real Estate agents, Salespeople of everything under the sun, Accountants, Auto Mechanics, Dog Trainers, Photographers, Magicians, Carpet Cleaners and Lawyers too. Everybody can use it to succeed.

That’s what makes it a formula. It always works.

You can have a quick, 10 chapter, 100+ page, useful book done in no time at all, with little or no prior book writing skill required in just 10 days. And you can self-publish it and sell it at the giant online book seller for free.

What’s your excuse now?

Just do it. You can get more tips and tricks for fast and simple book creation in my book, Book Writing Magic.

Here’s two more bonus tips…

1. Write an even better book, more simply by sending me your list of Top Ten FAQ’s and I’ll interview you over the phone and record your answers. I’ll use the transcript of that interview to create the book FOR YOU! Goodbye time excuse forever! It’s the fun and easy way to get your book done while simultaneously positioning YOU as the expert. Experts get interviewed. Get more details on this by clicking here.

2. Quickly DOUBLE the length of your book, and the value by adding 10 SAQ’s.
What are SAQ’s you ask? Should Ask Questions. Often times, you know people are asking the wrong questions because they just don’t know any better. Because you are the expert, on the inside, you know there are things people should know and should ask but they don’t. These are the inside secrets that are so desirable and so helpful. Create a chapter for each of these SAQ’s and watch your book grow thicker quickly.

What are you waiting for?

Lets get started. Let’s plant some seeds today!

Before you close this window, write your 10Q’s now.

You’ll be amazed how good it feels to know you’ve started.

And guess what…

There’s another famous formula from physics that says, “An object in motion tends to stay in motion…”

You be that object. Get started. Get moving now.

Use Small Books to Do Big Things

Photoshop Book

Use Small Books for Big Results

Many people never start their book because they fear they don’t have enough material. I say start small, just start. You can always build it bigger, but in the meantime you could be losing sales.

Let me give you an example.

One of my best selling books, “Photoshop Recipe Cards” is a mere 64 pages long. Yet this book has sold in over a dozen countries worldwide, has buyers in nearly all 50 states, and has given me untold credibility in the photography/Photoshop arena.

What this means is that I have made money from the book sales and have made money from those who sought me out for private consulting/instruction after reading the book. Thousands and thousands of dollars made and it continues to provide revenue to this date, all from the work I did once.

If I had waited to build it bigger (like the “Big Boys”) I may have never started or finished the book and would have lost untold dollars. Moreover, I would have deprived those who only wanted the short, to-the-point version.

Here’s why I think this book has been successful and why I believe you can follow this same “recipe” to create your own success story…

There are dozens and dozens of books on Photoshop from authors far more knowledgeable than I. But their books tend to be long and detailed while mine is short. I think many people are busy and just want to get the knowledge without the fluff and filler. That’s why I created the book in the step-by-step recipe format.

Do this, do that, you’re done. Great photos.

Often, big is intimidating.

Ever get one of those offers from the big internet marketing “Gurus”? The one with twelve, 1 hour CD’s, plus 7 manuals, and 15 bonus items?

Whoa Nellie! Too much information!!!

When you see this you have to think, “Do I really have time for this?”

In the early days of publishing the physical weight of the book had a large impact on the pricing, the value a reader would associate with that book. The larger the book, the more they would expect to pay. Not so today.

Today, value is more closely tied to content. How will your book help me do what I want to do? And if it will help me get to the results faster (ie. a shorter read) then I would be willing to pay more.

I use this example in my talks:

Two authors write a book on how to get rich mining gold.

The first author, very knowledgeable in this field writes a comprehensive book including every element of the mining industry, He writes about equipment, historical techniques, geological surveys, the structure of rock and every pitfall imaginable. His hardcover book is over 700 pages long and sits on the shelf at the bookstore, listed at $29.95.

The second author is a bit of a maverick. His “book” is just three pages long including the front and back covers. On the lone interior page is a map with a big red X. The caption under the map says this, “To get rich mining gold, dig here, gold strike guaranteed!” He sells his “book” from a website sales letter and charges $99.

If put side by side which book do you think readers would prefer?

You’re right!

Whatever you answered you’re right. There will be readers who want both books, for different reasons. Some want a thorough knowledge. Some want just enough knowledge to get to work.

When in doubt, start small. But start.

Write the small book first. Sell it.

You can always add more chapters/information later for version 2.

Plus, here are two great reasons to start small rather than wait…

1. Less work. If you write a small book and no one buys it, think of how much time and effort you will have saved. If they do buy, you know folks are interested in your topic and you will have a much easier time selling your next expanded edition. (People want to buy more of what they already buy.)

2. You can be making money on the short version while you create the longer version. But if you wait to sell until the longer is completed, you lose all the advantages of #1 plus you risk wasting a lot of time writing a long book about a topic no one is buying.

The key factor in your success will be quality content.

Tide figured this out a while ago with their laundry soap. Condense it. Why not take as much water out as possible and ship the same high quality soap without the added “water”.


You know enough to write a book about something right now.

Why not test the waters and see if you can start some lifetime book royalty income flowing into your bank account from work you do just once?

Anyone can write, publish and sell their own book now.

If you have the information, but need someone to create the actual book, hire a ghost writer to assemble your knowledge into a book. Or have someone interview you and create a transcript of that. That’s your book.

No more excuses. Small is just fine.

Often , the BIG MONEY is not made from the book, but from the consulting and others offers which come your way because you have become a “celebrity” of sorts. an authority on your topic, by the simple publishing of your thoughts.

Author = Authority. Perception is reality.

Let me know if I can help you.

P.S. If you’re writing fiction (not my specialty) you’ll be happy to know that a series of books often sells better than one book. In other words, several short books centered on one theme and cast of characters sells better than one long book. How can you create a series?

Same with How-To books. Same with recipe books, think one book for appetizers, one book for main course, one book for dessert rather than lumping them all into one recipe book.