Archive for July 2023

Unlocking Success: The Resilient Growth of Entrepreneurs and the Bamboo Parable

Entrepeneurs and Bamboo

In the world of entrepreneurship, success often follows a path akin to the growth of bamboo. Much like the remarkable journey of this resilient plant, most entrepreneurs face secret challenges and setbacks before experiencing the exponential growth others see. In this blog post, we explore the striking parallels between the success track of entrepreneurs and the incredible growth track of bamboo.

Life Begins Quietly Underground:

Bamboo, famed and revered for its rapid above ground growth, initially spends years establishing a robust root system beneath the surface. Entrepreneurs, too, invest much hidden time and efforts in building a strong foundation – by acquiring knowledge, skills, and connections. These early stages may not yield immediate results, or seemingly any results, but they lay the groundwork for explosive future growth.

Strength Built Through Challenge:

Similar to bamboo’s first few years, entrepreneurs often face obstacles and setbacks that test their resolve. However, these challenges are instrumental in strengthening their resilience and determination. Just as bamboo persists in adverse conditions, entrepreneurs learn from their failures, adapt their strategies, and press forward, emerging stronger and more resilient. Through adversity both learn to bend, but not break.

Pictorial View of Growth

Examples Are Abundant

Comedian, actor Jim Carrey came from a poor family. He was doing janitorial jobs and living in a VW camper parked on his sister’s front lawn, writing imaginary checks to himself for $1 million dollars. Until the meteoric rise to fame from his first movie, “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” (1994).

Steve Harvey lived in his 1976 Ford Tempo for three years, washing up in hotel bathrooms, gas stations, or swimming pool showers. Until he was called to appear on “Showtime at the Apollo”. After that, Steve’s career experienced exponential growth. Including his hosting of the long running TV game show, Family Feud.

And everyone knows the stories of tech giants Bill Gates of Microsoft and the late, great Apple legend, Steve Jobs.

From small quiet beginning, great and wonderful things can spring up.

How Entrepeneurs Unlock Success From Bamboo

In the pursuit of success, entrepreneurs can find inspiration in the remarkable growth pattern of bamboo. Like this remarkable ancient and enduring plant, entrepreneurs face obstacles, setbacks, and failures. However, by persevering, adapting, and staying rooted in their goals, over time, entrepeneurs can expect to experience exponential growth and achieve their wildest dreams too.

Key Points:

  • In the beginning, develop a strong foundation, a solid root network
  • Take your time – then be ready to grow fast once you dare to be seen
  • Accept adversity. Embrace challenge. This helps you become resilient. To bend, not break.
  • Understand that exponential growth comes easier over time. Persistence Pays Plenty.
  • Once your “forest” is fully established, new growth opportunities will just seem to spring up.

It will often take much more effort in the beginning than you can imagine.
It will seem like you are getting nowhere.

It will seem like no one’s listening. No one’s caring. Nothing’s working.

Have faith.

“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20-21)

Just a little faith, can move mountains.

Faith. Persistence. Time.

It’s hard to grow without all 3.

Keep on, keepin’ on!

I look forward to hearing of your glorious and exponential success!

Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. Professional gardeners understand that use of the proper tools is essential for promoting the healthy growth of plants. Top marketers and entrepeneurs utilize powerful tools for growth as well. Many have found the Persuasion Tool Kit a wonderful resource for business growth.

The Hidden Danger of AI Writers

The Hidden Danger of AI Writers Revealed


Ai this and Ai that.

All the marketing world, all the writing world, is a-buzz with talk of, and tasks for, using ai to get things done faster. Better.

“Stop struggling!” they say.

Writing is so much easier now. Just tell the ai tool what you want.

Seconds later, boom there it is!

Artificial Intelligence writing tools are an absolute wonder and time saver yes.


It’s like giving chain saws to toddlers.

If you don’t know WHAT TO WRITE your market, what your readers need…

This ai only speeds up the process of their:

indifference to you

contempt of you

dismissal of you

unsubscribing from you

blocking of you

Because, AI only works from the prompts you give it.

If you say to ai, “Write me a 500 word seo blog post listing the top 5 power tools most important to carpenters” you’ll get a quick, nice blog post for your carpenter prospects. Assuming you are targeting carpenters and not the more general niche of construction workers.

And you might post that online or send it to your email list. And get nothing. Crickets.

Because you thought this great article on the top 5 power tools for carpenters was what they wanted to know.

You may have assumed this was a problem they were Preoccupied with.

When in reality, most already know the top 5 tools
-Circular saw.
-Jig saw,
-Reciprocating saw,
-Table saw,
-Power screwdriver.

You made the all too common mistake of THINKING YOU KNOW what people want. What their problems are. What keeps them awake at night with worry.

Instead of REALLY KNOWING their concerns.

Their worries.

What they’re desperately hoping for a solution to.

Really knowing their Preoccupations.

What really keeps them awake at night?

-Is it finding more clients?

-Is it finding higher paying clients

-Is it finding jobs at all – to pay the rent this month

-Is it how much this work hurts their back, their legs, their feet?

-Is it how much they hate construction work and want to start a woodworking side hustle?

Chatgpt and all the other “of the moment” AI in the news are tremendously helpful, powerful tools.

But only when used properly.

Only when they speak directly to the PREOCCUPATIONS of the reader – are they any more effective at cutting thru the media clutter, than a plastic pumpkin saw is to cutting thru a steel I beam.

CAUTION! Use Power Tools at your own risk!

If you’re looking for a risk-free cordless tool that quickly identifies the dominant PREOCCUPATIONS of your best prospects, to finally break through and persuade them with your finest AI message, grab your instant download of the new Persuasion Tool Kit now.

Like AI, the Persuasion Tool Kit is a real time saver if you’re trying to persuade your prospects.

“Round here, the power companies say, and it’s the law… “It’s best to know what’s there before you start digging!”

Your best prospects live in a Bubble of Preoccupations.

Know those, before you start digging for gold.

The Persuasion Tool Kit (PDF) might be the best thing ever created for getting what you want, what you need, from your ideal prospect.

Need more business? More cash?

This might be the only tool you’re missing.

Check it out.

Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. The new for 2023 Persuasion Tool Kit is safe for use by all ages when used properly.