Archive for November 2023

AI Copywriter Tool Prompts

Copywriter Tools: 6 AI Prompts You Must Use

Will AI Make Copywriters Obsolete?

Bad news for copywriters…

The answer is: YES. AI will put you (some) out of business.

But not for the reasons you think.

And luckily, the fix is simple.

Today I’m throwing you a life preserver. Information that can both save your career and more than likely enhance it. Smart copywriters will immediately put it to use – and save themselves and their business.

Those who won’t grab hold and use it, will likely perish.

Will AI cause copywriters to perish

How Smart Copywriters Will Survive AI

Here’s the skinny…

Everyone knows by now the old computer adage…

Garbage In. Garbage out.

If you give a computer poor inputs, you can expect the outcomes to be poor as well.

AI is no exception. You are, through your words, through your writing prompts, programming the computer (AI) to give you some output. Maybe an article, a blog post, a sales letter or script.

When using the popular new AI writers such as Chat-gpt, and of course there are many others – I share my favorite go-to AI writer with you later in this article – the AI will most likely interpret your input, your words, your ‘prompt’ in a rather strict, or literal way based on essentially what it knows, or maybe more properly, has come to know.

Consequently, it’s easy to see how your results may not come back as you had planned. Or hoped.

Anyone else gotten horrible, unusable results back? Garbage?

Aside from all of the fact checking you MUST do after receiving any AI output, you’ll often have many items which aren’t quite at all what you imagined.

  • The tone may be off.
  • The perspective skewed.
  • The intended subject not right.
  • Wrong target.
  • Wrong premise.
  • Wrong emotional hot button highlighted.
  • No emotional impact at all.

Even if by some stroke of luck you did get something good, you’d still have to massage it with some humanisms. Colloquial language. Appropriate slangs. Something that specifically says, “Oh yeah, that’s definitely something (X) would say”. Make it yours.

Proper persuasive sales copy demands that many important factors are gotten right. If you haven’t properly specified these important factors in your AI prompt, the copy you get out WILL be garbage and your time, perhaps your money, will have been wasted.

You’ll be frustrated with AI.

No worries. We’re all in the same boat. AI was just thrown at us and we were told to use it long before the how to’s arrived.

We were all left to sink or swim with it.

I say, let’s swim!

Here’s today’s life preserver…

6 Essential AI Prompts for Copywriters

6 Essential AI Prompts for Copywriters

There are 6 essential elements which are key to getting the most accurate and most useful results from your AI writer.

You will remember them as BRIGHT.

Bright like a spotlight that makes your copy stand out.

B– You must specify the BUSINESS : name and what they do
ex. You work for a company named Copyland which helps small businesses write more effective ad copy and then deliver that copy through the most effective media options.

R– You must tell the AI his ROLE.
ex. You are an expert when it comes to seo with 12 years of advanced experience writing blog posts.

I – Give the AI specific INSTRUCTION on what you want (the output expected) – the Task.
ex. We need to create blog posts for a website.

G – Specify your GOAL.
ex. The objective is that we drive traffic and build trust.

HHOW will we do this?
ex. I need a seven day content calendar for blog posting with seo focus delivered

T- Specify your TARGET. This is most important, WHO do you want this to reach? Who are you hoping to get as your new traffic? [We show you how to find your best target and the best emotional hooks to grab them in, The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit]
ex. The target audience for these blog posts are financial planners in Western New York that are already running ads in print and digital media hoping to get more business from wealthy professionals.

So here, altogether, is an example of what your 6 element prompt might look like:

You work for a company named Copyland which helps small businesses write more effective ad copy and then deliver that copy through the most effective media options. You are an expert when it comes to seo with 12 years of advanced experience writing blog posts. We need to create blog posts for a website. The objective is that we drive traffic and build trust. I need a seven day content calendar for blog posting with seo focused delivered. The target audience is financial planners in Western New York that are already running ads in print and digital media hoping to get more business from wealthy professionals.



I’d love to take credit for this brilliant plan and acronym, but instead I’ll give credit where credit is due and direct you to see the video for yourself, straight from its creator on Instagram at @themorad

Here’s where I finally tell you my favorite, my Go-To AI writer:

Personally, I’ve come to love KoalaWriter for content creation. KoalaWriter is so far the best one-click SEO AI writer I’ve found. It’s easy to use and free to get started. For me, the results have been amazing. See what you think.

[Full Disclosure – Try Koala it for free. If you decide to stay and pay later on, yes, I liked it so much I became an affiliate and they’ll commission me a few crumbs because you clicked the link here. Henceforth, we’ll be special friends!]

2 Big Takeaways For Copywriters

  1. When you use AI you are programming a computer with your words. Choose the right ones. How do you know the right ones? Choose the BRIGHT ones.
  2. Above all, choosing and defining your TARGET is THE MOST IMPORTANT element to get right. @themoran even calls this ONE THING out specifically in his video.

If you need help defining your best target, and learning everything about this target, including his most sensitive buyer hot buttons, spent 10 minutes in The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit just before writing your AI prompts. You might be surprised by the improved results.

Garbage out?

Not for you my friend.

Now, by asking yourself the right questions before you prompt, and then using the right prompts, AI can be the savior of your copywriting career – instead of it’s demise.

Swim on with technology wordsmith!


How can I help?

-Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. Here is the link you can copy and paste into your favorite browser for access to the Instagram ‘BRIGHT’ talk by @themorad:

P.P.S. Here’s that link for you again, if you haven’t claimed your copy of the Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit.

3 Ways Copywriters Can TAKE More Money

3 Ways Copywriters Can TAKE More Money

While I don’t agree with everything Andrew Tate does or says, there is no denying he has acheived a great level of wealth in a short period of time. He must know something I (and most) don’t know. So I search for clues to his success.

Shifting Your Perspective On Money

This quote from Andrew Tate was a real eye opener:


“You cannot make money, you can only take money from others by convincing them to give it to you, so start thinking in terms of taking money instead of making it …


It’s a simple twist, but a shift in perspective that leads to a far more productive mindset. He further advises us to practice building our knowledge and skill at TAKING MONEY by observing how others take our money, and the mass monies of others.

Think About How Businesses Take Your Money

Learning To TAKE More Money

Next time you buy a Starbucks coffee, or anything, ask yourself, “How did they just TAKE my money?” If it was Starbucks…
  • Was it because they have the best coffee?
  • The fastest service?
  • More flavor options?
  • Cool size options?
  • Best value for the size?
  • Cutest barristas?
  • Friendliest servers?
  • Because they ask my name?
  • Is it the food options?
  • Is it so that I can hold their cup with the logo and seem special to others or feel special myself?
  • Is it to feel part of “the right group”?
  • Perhaps it was the convenient location? They chose to put their store(s) where there is maximum people traffic. Or my traffic.
  • You like the ambiance of Starbucks?
When you begin thinking about why YOU buy, about how THEY just took YOUR MONEY  – a whole new world of possible ideas and adaptations starts to flood in for how YOU might TAKE more money!

Take Money Q and A

Why did I buy? Why do THEY buy? How did (does) this business TAKE (my, our, their) money? When we begin to analyze all of our money transactions this way, we begin to see all sorts of new ways we might TAKE more money. The Copywriter’s Persuasion ToolKit is a copywriter’s tool designed just for this. It shows exactly why people buy. No matter the industry or profession, the simple, universal templates included in the Toolkit let you peek behind the curtain. They reveal the REAL REASONS people are buying so you can address those same, attention getting, sales closing reasons in your next promotion. When you know exactly WHAT they wish to buy, selling becomes so much easier! Here are 3  MONEY TAKING strategies I’ve observed to help you get started:

3 BIG Strategies to Take More Money

1. Ask More Those who ask more, tend to get more. It’s just a fact. Biblical in fact. “Ask and you shall receive.” No huge leap to figure out that if you ask more, you shall receive more. What would happen to Coca-Cola if they stopped advertising altogether? Every million dollar ad is an ask presented to millions of people. Here’s the link to a previous post where I list dozens of great examples of how you can ASK more. Without being obnoxious! 2. Improve Value If you make your product or service worth more, in ways your prospect wants more, they will be willing to let you TAKE more money. Increase quality, speed of delivery, bundle with related products, improve customer support, ease of ordering, branding, exclusivity, and scarcity are just a few ways to increase the perceived value of your offering. 3. Differentiate In the 1960’s Coors beer advertised, “Brewed with Pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water” to separate, elevate, differentiate themselves from other beer brewers (who ALL also used pure water in the making of beer – but never thought it important to mention). Federal Express started with, “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” They offered security, reliability, speed. Dominoes Pizza began TAKING oodles of money by advertising, “Delivered in 30 minutes or less or it’s free.” What special feature of your product or service can you call out that your propects will recognize as more valuable?

Copywriting and Business Ideas for Days

Hidden in these three simple HOW’s are ideas for days. Ideas you must generate to begin TAKING more money. Taking more money for yourself. For your business. For your clients. Release the negative connotation of TAKING. All the rage these days is GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. Giving is good? Taking is Bad? No! Strategically giving value which results in you taking more for the value you provided is FAIR. Go ahead. Give them free samples. But only if it ultimately and strategically leads to you TAKING some value from them in exchange. At some point, you have to ASK them to give back. The taking which is not good, is called cheating. If you are not giving a fair value to the buyer for the use/benefit promised by your promotion or product, you are cheating them. And your business will fail – or perhaps you will even go to jail. Always give a value that is, or is rightly perceived to be as good as, or greater than promised.

Actionable Steps of Taking More

Start this exercise today and watch how quickly ideas flood into your head for how you can TAKE more money… When you shop, ask yourself, “How did they just take my money?” “Why did I shop and buy here?” As you drive down the street, really look at the businesses that are doing well and ask, “How is it they are TAKING so many people’s money?” Look at the business that are doing poorly, or are out of business now and ask yourself, “How did this business fail at TAKING people’s money?” You may not know for sure, maybe they just failed to pay the tax man and got shut down. But many times, there will be more obvious clues.
  • Poor location
  • No parking
  • Poor signage
  • Unappealing or unsafe storefront
  • Wrong product type for that location
  • Poor visibility
When you really start to SEE and QUESTION things, you begin to find the answers you need everywhere. “Ask and you shall receive!” Remember the 6 questions for asking for answers? Click here for a refresher. Bottom line reality… Only the government can MAKE more money with their government controlled printing presses. The rest of us must TAKE money. How are others taking money? How can you replicate their MONEY TAKING strategies in your life or business? You can start the discovery process right here, right now by thinking about your most recent purchases. (Hint, some of them might even be hidden, automatic pick-pockets, like subscriptions.) HOW DID THEY TAKE MY MONEY! You go figure out how to do that too, for you! HOW is a powerful tool, a copywriting tool that can easily 10X your results! When you combine HOW with it’s 5 other questioning friends, you can super-charge your money taking ventures! The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit gives you all the right questions to start taking more. It will prove to be your best tool for finding quick answers to just these types of questions. For you personally and for your promotions. Can I help you more? Just ASK! -Robert Schwarztrauber copywriting tool kit