Archive for December 2023

Headlines: Scare Them or Tease Them?

should headlines scare or tease

Playing on Fear and Greed: The Fine Line Between Persuasive and Manipulative Headlines

Ever wonder what captures attention best in headlines?

Wonder what forces prompt action in your favor after you’ve gained that attention?

Today, let’s discuss two powerful forces commonly used in marketing which drive people to do what they do.

Which in our case, is buy something!

Today’s topic is the two powerful psychological human motivators of FEAR (of loss or danger) and GAIN (of some desired prize).

Why Fear and Greed Work

Loss aversion is a powerful bias – people are far more motivated to avoid losing something than gaining something equivalent. Fear of loss is a very strong influencer.

Fear appeals can effectively capture attention by sounding urgent and threatening. Our human biology is hardwired to alert us to signs of danger. However, extreme fear can backfire and cause the message to be rejected or ignored. Moderate fear tends to work best.

The famous headline, “What NEVER to Eat on an Airplane” by Marty Edelston of Boardroom Inc., was the most opened piece of mail sent by Boardroom for over 3 years.

Marty effectively used people’s fear of eating the wrong thing and becoming sick to get his envelopes opened. Curiousity was a major player here too. Both for health reasons and their ego, people fear doing the “wrong” thing.

Gains claims need to seem achievable, yet meaningful enough to be worth the reader’s effort/investment. If too good to be true, gain claims can breed skepticism.

Marketing expert Dan Kennedy effectively used, “The Secret of Making People Like You” to entice readers. There is a promise of gain which is hidden behind some “secret”. Here, Dan piques curiousity with that powerful word “secret” while offering a desired gain.

While a headline such as, “Lose thirty pounds in just one week” would raise significant skepticism. And probably inspire a lawsuit or undesireable government action. Beware.

Claims of gain work best when backed up by true testimonials or scientific proof.

The Power in Each

Psychology studies and marketing tests both strongly suggest that loss/fear is the stronger short-term motivator, while gain keeps people more consistently engaged long-term.

The Ethical Line

These two mechanisms walk an ethical line if they manipulate readers or obscure lack of real value. Respected brands focus first on creating outstanding value and meaning for customers in ethical ways. Psychology plays a role but should support value, not replace it.

Best results are acheived when you keep the focus on serving over “getting” or manipulating people with baseless claims.

Creating Effective Headlines


  • Focus on benefits.
  • Use positive action words like “discover”.
  • Offer solutions to frustrations.
  • Inspire curiosity.


  • Consider risks/costs of inaction.
  • Use caution with strong fear appeals.
  • Play to loss aversion, but don’t exaggerate or manipulate.

For a list of the best 40 words to use which inspire action, refer back to this article on famed copywriter, the great Drayton Bird:

Aim to deliver honest value and respect for your readers above all else. Psychology can help, but the most sustainable marketing builds trust through integrity.

This article is by no means complete instruction on attention getting or producing actionable copy, but simply a comparison of two powerful forces which are often used by copywriters and marketers in their advertising. We’ll talk more about other effective headline and copy tactics in future posts.

But here’s the thing. Knowing all the strategies and tactics of good headines and copy will still produce poor results unless you are speaking directly to the emotional concerns of your specific audience.

The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit is one of the best tools around for peering deep into your specific propect’s mind and soul. For uncovering their SPECIFIC concerns, buyer hotbuttons, and addressing the real, driving reasons behind why they will buy.

Do you have your Toolkit yet?

Are you using it to speed up your workflow, or to increase your open rates, or sales?

It’s a very modest investment that, if used, could fund a lot of steak dinners for you and your family.

No risk to try it. If you think it sucks, simply ask for your money back. You would be the first though!

Fear of Loss and Desire for Gain.

Try to work these powerful psychological factors of fear of loss, or desire for gain into your next promotion.

-Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit as of now, is still available at the Beta testing pricepoint. But I expect it won’t be for much longer as word of it’s appeal spreads. This might be a good time to claim your copy. Or don’t. Just know that you’ll be competing then with copywriters who are using it. And they’ll have a distinct advantage. It’s up to you, I”ll sleep easy regardless of your decision.

Help I Don’t Know What To Sell

What to Sell Online

Here’s What to Sell Online When You Don’t Know What to Sell

So you want to start an online business, but you aren’t sure what to sell?

I get it.

When I first started out as a writer, I had no clue what info products would be useful for my audience (wait, let’s be honest – I didn’t even have an audience!). I didn’t know what to sell.

Luckily, I found there are many evergreen options which pretty much always work when you’re selling digital products online.

Things like eBooks, video training courses, templates, and more. These are products buyers tend to need again and again, so the demand stays consistent over time. Which means you have an opportunity to make stable, consistent money over time, rather than quick, one-off sales spikes and then nothing.

Why Evergreen Products Sell

We humans move through several, predictable stages in our life. And each stage requires certain predictable products and services. One of the simplest is, babies need diapers. Always. That’s a reliable physical product category. Parents of babies will ALWAYS be looking for info on how to be a good parent. That’s a reliable digital information product.

For each stage in our life, this pattern repeats. There are things each group ALWAYS buys.

And when folks reach the end of life, look again. Another group of babies has been born. This repeats on a daily basis. There are ALWAYS new evergreen customers seeking to buy evergreen products.

If you are at a loss for what to sell, why not sell things people ALWAYS buy?

Evergreen Example: Photoshop Tutorial Book

For example, one of the very first books I self-published was an entry-level, short book on the most popular, and highly praised photo editing software, Photoshop.

Mind you, I was no expert at that. 6 months experience was all I had. All I COULD write was a basic, entry level book on Photoshop. Yet that’s OK.

You don’t need to be THE expert. Unless your prospects are Photoshop masters looking to learn the most advance techniques. All you need is to be better than those at a level below you. That’s your prospects. And often, as was my case, being the “newbie” helps you present information from a simple, beginners perspective.

Often, when experts with years and years of experience try to teach something, they assume you already know a bunch of stuff. Then, as a less skilled than assumed student, you get lost, confused and quit.

Remember, if you are just a level above someone, you can teach THEM. Not everyone. But Them.

This is an important point many don’t consider. But knowing only that – opens up tremendous opportunities.

Back to my story…

As most know, Photoshop has a reputation for requiring a fairly steep learning curve. I initialy struggled with it myself, until I developed some shortcuts. My first book, “Photoshop Tip Cards”   included those shortcuts to help aspiring photographers. It’s been consistently selling, in the older, and now the newer paperback format for over ten years now.


Because there is always a new crop of photographers coming up who need to learn and use Photoshop.

“Bob, your way of explaining things does more for me than all the videos.” wrote one buyer.

Photographers are an evergreen hobby market. There have been photographers since the first camera was invented in the early 1800’s. The ubiquity of smartphone cameras, in addition to dedicated digital hobby and professional cameras, has only expanded the need to edit photos. Despite all the many easy apps to edit photos now available, and other Photoshop copycats, Photoshop remains THE go-to editor for professionals and hobbyists who desire high quality photographs and graphic images.

Such is the value of choosing an evergreen market.

Don’t overthink your products, what to sell, too much.

Concentrate on finding hot evergreen topics people always need help with. Then, look at the skills you already have that you can teach in a simple systemized way. Or find someone to partner with who can, and package that knowledge up into an eBook, videos, templates or other appropriate products and services.

What if I don’t want to create products?

No problem! If you don’t want to create products you have several other options:

    • Find and Use PLR (private label rights) content and sell it simply on sites like Gumroad
    • Do Affiliate Marketing – use affiliate commision sites like Clickbank, or programs directly from sellers. You can find these by looking at the bottom of their website page for the word “affiliate”.
    • Promote Online Learning Courses thru their affiliate programs, sites like Skillshare, Udemy, Coursera all have them
    • Promote Amazon products through their affiliate program

These days, there are plenty of existing products and services you can promote without ever having to create your own. The only downsides to relying on other people’s products are control and profits. With affiliates, you’ll have less of both. But this is often offset by ease of sale, quantity and variety of things to sell, and greater speed to market potential.

There are TONS of great products out there, old and new, foreign and domestic that are collecting dust instead of cash because the creators were clueless about marketing.  Could you help them?


With a little hustle to get the word out, you’ll can be up and running with digital products in no time! Today even.

Remember, focus on markets (the who), their needs and problems first – because you want to be selling irresistable solutions to evergreen problems and markets.

You want to be in the business of selling evergreen products. The competition IS greater, but so is your potential for reliable profits and ultimate stability and success.

To make this easy as pie for you, I’ve created a list of 144+ Evergreen Opportunities which span the life cycle of men and women from conception until death.

Anytime you’re stumped for what to sell, simply glance over this list sheet to quickly get those money gears turning again. You can’t help but to think of something someone needs, that you could sell them when you simply glance over this sheet.

You want it? I’ll send it to you for FREE. Simply send an email request to me,

Be sure to put Evergreen in the subject line to get your opportunities sheet faster.

That’s all for today folks.

Happy Selling and Happy Holidays!

– Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. Remember that at each stage of life, new people (prospects) are always coming online. Your prospects are in a march, a parade. They are always in motion – even if you can’t perceive it. They are moving toward something (goals) or away from something (fears). Life moves pretty fast, as Ferris Beuller says. Your targets are moving. One day they buy diapers, soon enough they have no use for them. One day they don’t need a car, next day their’s got totalled in a crash, and now they do. You’re moving. They’re moving. Keep shooting. Reload. Best to have a lot of evergreen products (ammo) on hand so you never miss an opportunity to hit it big. And digital products cost nothing to store. Hmmm?

P.P.S. The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit lets you see specifically which products are most likely to sell to any specific market and the emotional hotbuttons you will need to trigger quick and reliable sales.