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Monday Morning Quicky #1

change at

“How To” Change

“I suggest you use your time and energy to improve the one person over which you not only have control, but the moral authority to control: you.” -Robert Ringer in his best selling book,

Looking Out for #1: How to Get from Where You Are Now to Where You Want to Be in Life


by Bob Schwarztrauber

I stepped on the scale this morning and the needle indicated 162 pounds. Same as yesterday. Same as last week. Same as last month.

This number would make many people very happy. Even many people my 5’9″ height.

But the flab between my chest and groin would indicate 150 pounds would be a better number. My doctor agrees.

You want to know why I can’t lose weight? Maybe why you can’t too. Or maybe there is some other change you’d like to have happen to you, but it’s not.

Here’s why. It’s quite likely you haven’t changed what you’re doing. Same actions, same results.

I know it’s true for me. Oh, I’ll skip the odd snack, or have a salad occasionally, and I’ll take a walk some days, or exercise a few days some weeks, but the kind of regular, continuous, habitual change I need to make to see results I have not made. And so my weight remains the same.

Same actions = Same results.

I never have trouble writing  though. Many do. Maybe you do too.

I suggest you set a conscious, unbreakable commitment, that is, write down the exact time and amount of time when you are going to write, undisturbed each day, every day, and make it a part of your life. At least until your book is done.

When you make it a priority, it gets done. Change happens. That’s how I got started in writing. That’s how I’ve come to begin and finish more than two dozen books in less than 5 years.

You work on that. Set an appointment for yourself, a goal for writing. Do that one thing and your book will get done, and much sooner than you ever thought. That’s why I included a plan you can use for writing in my book, Book Writing Magic.

I’m off now to trade this delicious looking jelly donut for a pair of scrambled eggs. I’ll see you tomorrow.


That’s your Monday Morning Quicky #1. I know people are busy,stressed out on Monday mornings so I thought this would be a great way to keep you motivated and set the tone for action each week without taking up too much of your time. If you like this feature, leave a comment below, and if you have a specific concern or challenge let me know and I’ll try to help you out in a future quicky.

You Must Write Like a Big Fish

Sell What They Want, It's Easier

Sell What They Want, It’s Easier

by Bob Schwarztrauber

Yesterday, my daughter and I struggled over what to have for dinner.

It’s Lent season. No Meat on Fridays for us. My daughter loves meat.

As we’re out driving we pass a McDonald’s. She say’s, “Can I get some fries?”

I say, “Fries aren’t dinner. Try the fish sandwich and I’ll get you some fries.”

We have a deal.

So I order two “Filet-o-Fish” sandwiches, no cheese. Why they put cheese on a fish sandwich is beyond me.

Let me say for the record, I think McDonald’s has the worst fish sandwich. That’s just my opinion, but it’s true none the less. They put cheese as standard, but no lettuce? Come on!

Anyway, I digress. Oh yeah, Burger King has the best fish sandwich. Not great, but the best of the big three. They used to have a great fish sandwich when it really was a Big Fish sandwich. Huge, it was like 700 calories with enough sodium to stop your heart dead, but it was so good with their special tartar sauce, with a hint of lemon zest and crispy shredded lettuce. Yum!

OK. Back on target. We got the fish, she saw there was tartar sauce. She said, “Yuk! I don’t like tartar sauce.” Ug, there’s no accounting for taste.

And that’s my point here. There is no accounting for taste.

You might like McDonald’s standard fish sandwich, a small piece of fairly tasteless fish with tartar sauce and cheese. They are pretty smart so I’d bet they tested it, then backed decades of continued sales with proven test results.

I’ll bet Burger King did the same. Wendy’s too.

Nobody is offering WHAT I THINK would be a great fish sandwich…A nice piece of grilled salmon with that creamy Bloomin’ Onion dipping sauce from the Outback, topped with crispy fresh lettuce on a big toasted sesame seed bun. Now that would be delicious!

But nobody cares what I think. They sell, and continue to sell, and have sold MILLIONS of fried, filet of white fish sandwiches. Have for well over 30 years, and no signs of slowing down. Just slightly different versions.

And that’s how you should write your book to succeed.

Write what sells. Different versions. Write what they buy already.

People will always buy a different version of things they like.

I have 100’s of books. Scores on marketing and selling. And I have lots of books on how to be a better photographer. I just keep buying a different version. I have none on fishing though. I just keep  buying MORE of what I like.

As all people do. (And people who don’t normally buy books. don’t buy books, so don’t try to get them to.)

Write your VERSION of the current or past best seller. Write in the category your know best, are expert at, or just have a different take, maybe a contrary version.  Human nature doesn’t change. How many diet books are there? Plenty. Room for more? You bet!

Trying to blaze a new path through the weeds is hard. Many die trying.

Follow the well worn path. But travel it to the beat of your own drum. Write about it from your own perspective, your own experience.

That’s how you write a book that can succeed.

Write like a Big Fish.