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This Makes AI Write Faster

One Quick Tip Makes AI Write Faster and Better

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Would you like to know a quick and easy way to get your AI to write faster – while at the same time providing better results?

Sounds like a dream,  right!

Read closely then so you don’t miss the trick.

Better Faster AI Results

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We all love AI writers. Well, not all of them.

But we love at least that they speed up the writing process.

  • They research faster and wider than we ever could.
  • They make the tedious work of formatting articles seem a breeze.
  • They rewrite, recompose, rearrange text faster than we could ever hope to.

And they never get pissed when I tell them “That’s wrong!” “That is not the result I was expecting. Please do it over. Do it better. Do it this way.”.

My favorite so far is Claude.

One frustration I find with all the AI writers is that it takes me a number of prompts to finally arrive at the kind of article I desire.

Listicles for examples. I do them often. Yet each time, Claude and I go through two or three iteration dances before finalizing a draft.

One particularly frustrating time waster is doing rewrites for lists. Often because, when I ask for a list of examples, Claude gives me duplicates in the list.

For example, if I ask for 10 authors of popular books on marketing, Claude gives me 3 marketing books done by the same author. Then 7 other unique authors and books. We’d go back and forth. I’d prompt,  “unique” examples. Or, “no duplicates”.

That’s just one top-of-mind frustration example.

The point is, when I’m doing the same task often, like creating listicles, I don’t want to have to recreate all my prompts leading up to the completed draft each time.

I want one prompt to use all the time, for the same task, like, “create a listicle” that’s proven to work.

So one day, after working to complete a listicle whose result I liked, I thought…

“Hey, why don’t I just ask Claude!”

He should be able to look over all that transpired in this project and create one prompt that would help him complete the task faster, more accurately, and more efficiently.

And he did.

I just copied that prompt and now paste it in whenever I need a listicle created. So much easier! This produces faster and better AI results!

That’s My Quick AI Writer Tip for Today

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Once the AI has completed a task, a task which you might need repeated, ask the AI to create one prompt which will help it get to the same result faster and more efficiently.

Then save that prompt to use again and again for faster, better writing next time. You’ll simply add in the unique data parameters for the new request.

In essense, you’re asking Claude, or your writer of choice:

HOW they can be asked to complete your task in a way they understand best.

Feel free to use this questioning prompt as a reference if you like:

“Claude, it took us several prompts and iterations to arrive at this final draft. Can you now examine our full conversation today, and the process we followed to arrive at this final draft, and create one prompt which would have allowed you to create this final draft faster, better, and more efficiently?”

Better results almost always come from asking better questions

Even with AI. Maybe especially with AI.

Asking better questions is also the foundation of all the tools and templates included in The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit.

It’s simple fill-in-the-blank templates ask you very specific questions about your target prospect or market. Your answers tell you exactly what hot butttons to press and what pain points you need to fix on and resolve to get your readers to convert to buyers – fast!

You can guess. Or you can be guided.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m going somewhere new, I appreciate when a local takes the time to show me around. GIves me tips and pointers I might never have considered. Or even thought to ask about.

Mark Twain said it best I think…

“It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You Into Trouble.

It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So.”

Here’s to your next profitable copywriting AI interaction!

– Robert Schwarztrauber

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