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Copywriting Tips You Must Know

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Copywriting Tips : Powerfully Tapping Fears

Many struggling copywriters and business newbies rely solely on stating product or service positive benefits when making their pitch.

Tastes great. Lasts longer. 20% Lighter. Less Fat. Fat Free. Gluten Free. Faster. Cheaper. Easier. New. Improved.

Carrots are nice. But sticks get more done.

While benefits communicate logically what the offering provides, they often fail to compel action on an emotional, gut, motivational level. If your prospect can say, “Oh, that’s nice.” instead of whipping out their wallet because they have to have it, your ad or promotion has probably missed the mark.

That’s why savvy copywriters know they need to tap into negative emotions too – subtly and ethically (usually, but not always)  – if they want to spur their target audience to take action, to purchase, subscribe, or donate now. Not later.

Remember, this may be the one and only time your prospect sees this ad or promotion. It has to compell them to act now. Or else.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • why negative emotions work,
  • give examples of powerful negative emotions to harness,
  • and tips for ethically integrating them into your copywriting.

Copywriting That Relies Too Heavily on Logic

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Many novice copywriters focus intensely on the features and benefits of what they’re selling. They fall into the trap of over-explaining the ins and outs of the product logically, while failing to make any emotional connection with the reader or prospect..

While benefits are certainly important to put out there, left to stand alone they fail to provide the critical motivational spark that ignites action.

Copywriters must assume they have just one chance to capture a prospect or customer’s attention before they tune out. Today, studies show you’ve got about 6 seconds to capture their attention. Positive emotions alone won’t spur urgency and action in most cases.

That’s why crafting copy which solely states benefits, while avoids tapping negative emotions, is a rookie mistake with dire consequences

Why Negative Emotions Are More Powerful Motivators

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Decades of research on influence, persuasion and psychology prove that negative emotions are often stronger motivators than positive ones.  Dr, Robert Cialdini has written great books on this subject if you want to deep dive on the proof.

People are more driven to act when they want to avoid pain and anxiety – than when they simply want to feel good or better.

Marketers refer to this as “moving away from pain versus moving toward pleasure” – Moving away from or avoiding pain proves the greater incentive.

So what are some of the negative emotions professional copywriters tap into – ethically and subtly – to highlight problems and frame their offering as the solution?

Here are 25+ Powerful Negative Motivators, things that piss people off, or make them want to act now to put things right:

(every great movie or novel taps into one or more of these to make the audience FEEL something)

They Took Advantage of me!
They Overcharged me!
They Stole from me!
They Cheated me!
They Betrayed me!
They Embarrassed me!
They Rejected me!
They Abandoned me!
They Belittled me!
They Physically hurt me!
They Mentally abused me!
They Shamed me!
They Humiliated me!
They Excluded me!
They Lied to me!
They Broke their promise to me!
They Criticized me!
They Berated me!
They Attacked me!
They Sabotaged me!
They Took me for granted
They Misinformed me
They Disrespected me!
They Disappointed me!
They Bullied me!
They Laughed at me!

Everyone has a story they can tell about any or many of these. Pick any one. Everyone knows what this FEELS like. They want to avoid having that FEELING ever again.

Copy that inflames any of these negative emotional states in relation to the prospect’s problem can most effectively spark action.

So go ahead, poke the bear! Lean into their pain point, insecurity, injustice. Bring it up.

Dire consequences!

Yes, tease, promise the carrot. But you owe it to your prospect, and you owe it to your client, if you have one who has paid you to get results, and you also owe it to yourself to TELL THE WHOLE STORY!

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

“What happens if I do nothing?”

“What might I miss out on, loose on, if I choose a different path?”

John Caples masterfully crafted one of the most effective and most swiped headlines of all times using  HUMAN FEELINGS as its base: “They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano – But When I Started To Play!”

Everyone can relate to the FEELING of, and the intense fear of being laughed at.

If you were going to buy a piano course, you would want one that would keep you from looking like a fool when you played. One that kept you from getting laughed at. And instead, pleasantly surprised everyone with your new found talents. You’d want the same one John Caples was selling!

That simple, short headline is packed full of FEELS. Emotions we can all relate to. Emotions we want to avoid (embarrassment) and emotions we want to strive toward (being pleasantly surprising, looked up to by our friends and family).

Another example…

I don’t have the actual ad, but master copywriter Ben Settle tells of famously selling products to the men’s prostate niche by calling up in grim, vivid details, the pain and suffering men could expect if they went the other, traditional route of treatment which involves physically scraping tissue from the urinary tract to relieve prostate simptoms. As it was told, grown men could viserally feel the pain he described in detail in his promotions.  And then,  who wouldn’t want to at least try his no-pain solution first!

Applying This Technique Thoughtfully and Ethically

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Of course, blatantly provoking negative emotions solely to manipulate people into buying is unethical and in some cases could be illegal. But appropriately highlighting pain points that your audience is actually experiencing, or can expect if they don’t choose, or delay choosing your product, can be honest and effective. And serve their needs better than some sugar-coated version.

You are actual doing your prospect a great service by showing him all the negative or dire consequences he can expect if he does nothing, or buys an inferior product.

Imagine, if your prospect was your closest friend, or your child, you would want to make sure they knew all the good, and all the bad of the choice they are about to make, or should be making. You would not want to see them suffer. You would want them to know all the options to make the best choice. While avoiding any dire consequences in the process

The key is to first research and understand the product’s audience deeply. Real deep.

You must uncover their authentic frustrations, anxieties, fears. Any problems they have or perceive they have.  Anything and everything your offering can genuinely help solve.

Then you’ll be able craft copy that taps into those negative emotions and  positions your solution as just the fix they’ve been looking for.

For example, a dating app that helps singles find meaningful relationships could highlight the rejection and loneliness people feel when they struggle to find someone special.

Or a locksmith could tap into the violation and anxiety people feel when their home security has been. or could be compromised. You’d warn them of any nearby crimes that happened recently.

In both cases, honestly highlighting the negative emotions related to the customer’s problem is a powerful force for motivation and persuasion when combined with the positive solution your product or service provides.

So don’t shy away from negative emotions in your copywriting. Poke the bear. Just ensure you target their fears precisely toward emotional issues your customers truly face, that your thing can eliminate.

When employed strategically, this technique compels consumer action while forging an authentic brand connection. Buyers want to feel that the seller intimately understands their problem. When you call out their fears and deepest concerns you demonstate that you “get” them.


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While some copywriters focus exclusively on logic and benefits, the smart marketers know that negative emotions are actually the stronger motivators. And smart copywriters use them!

By ethically tapping into pain points and anxieties people have, you can highlight problems and frame your brand, your product, your service as the only (or at least best) logical choice.

With this psychology and science backed copywriting technique, you motivate action and demonstrate a true understanding of what your audience cares about.

Just ensure you target actual frustrations your product or service can reasonably help alleviate. All claims must be backed by proof. Lest customer reviews or big government grind your scamming operation to a halt.

Used judiciously, negative emotions give copywriting the critical spark that turns a prospect into a paid customer. Negative emotions, delivered in intimate detail,  compel action while conveying that you get what your audience is, or certainly will be going through.

What negative emotions resonate with your target market and their pain points?

The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit, with it’s simple graphics, fill-in-the-blank templates, and helpful guides quickly reveals what your prospect’s emotional hot buttons are, and how to best grab their attention in the first place.

Are you using it?

Your competition is or will be soon.

It’s on sale right now, for a limited time to get you started right in the year 2024

Download your copy now.

Or, pay more later.

To your Happy and Successful New Year,

– Robert Schwarztrauber

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Copywriting Training – Emotions

Copywriting Training -The Power of Emotional Appeals in Marketing and Advertising

In marketing, advertising, and sales, one cannot overstate the importance of making an emotional connection with potential customers.

More than any facts or features, what truly motivates people to buy is how we make them feel.

The most effective advertisements and sales presentations create a compelling narrative and immerse viewers in an emotional experience.

They tap into universal human desires like love, freedom, security, independence, freedom, or achievement. A good emotional appeal should feel aspirational yet attainable with the advertised product.

A good advertisement shows the consumer how their life could improve in a meaningful way.

The best appearls offer the promise of TRANSFORMATION!

Connecting with emotions builds trust and rapport with customers. It shows that our brand understands them intimately and cares deeply about their well-being.

Ads that fails to establish this emotional bond will likely be ignored no matter how impressive the product itself may be.

Copywriting Examples from Entertainment

Consider the entertainment industry as a powerful marketing example.

Why do we love music?

Because of the sounds that vibrate our eardrums?


Because of how it makes us FEEL inside!

It makes us laugh, cry, miss our ex, love our current, long for the next.

Billions of downloads of music because it makes us FEEL something.

How about movies?

It’s the same. Billions in sales and downloads. Not because the movie is cinematically perfect or the characters even real, but because of how that movie makes us FEEL inside.

We cry for loves lost. Or happiness gained against all odds. We rant against injustice exposed. We long for the adventures they show. We feel empowered ourself when the little guy wins out against the giant.

We are feeling creatures. 

Isn’t that why we seek love? Even why we buy pets?

We crave, lust, are driven by, my God...

Something that makes us FEEL something!

Else we feel dead. Bored. Depressed. Disgusted. Unmotivated.

But, oh boy,  give us a roller coaster ride. A bungie jump. Scare us from behind. Give us a big hug…

And we’re exilerated! We feel alive again!

The greatest sin in advertising, is forgetting to take your prospect on an emotional ride.

Let your prospect viscerally experience the horrid lows of his current condition.

Let him feel just how much it might get worse if he does nothing.

Take him to the bottom. The very bottom.

Then lift him up to the top where he can feel the breeze, feel the freedom.

Let him feel what it’s like to be on top of the world having now solved his most daunting problem with the help of your solution. Show him what’s possible. Share stories of how others just like him found success – quickly and easily, and he can too!

Then, gently take him back down to the crossroads.

Heaven with the purchase of your solution. Just a click away.

Or Hell.

Do nothing. Stay right where you are. Live in that hell of your own creation, knowing full well you had the opportunity for transformation, but did not take it.

If you can make him feel that future regret now, you may have done him the greatest service of all.

As copywriters, marketers, sellers of things, we are not in the business of selling those things directly, but of offering TRANSFORMATION – a better life.

Make them FEEL that better life is within their grasp right now.

Famous Quotes on Emotion

Here are some relevant quotes on the power of emotional appeals in marketing and advertising:

1. “We don’t buy goods and services. We buy relations, stories and magic.” – Seth Godin

2. “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” – Seth Godin

3. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek

4. “Features tell, benefits sell.” – Dan Lok

5. “Emotions drive people. People act emotionally, and justify logically.” – Zig Ziglar

6. “Never forget that the most powerful element in advertising is the ad itself.” – Leo Burnett

7. “What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form.” – David Ogilvy

8. “Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest. It is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes.” – Leo Burnett

9. “The best advertising doesn’t just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.” – Leo Burnett

10. “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos

11. “Advertising is the art of arresting the human intelligence just long enough to get money from it.” – Chuck Blore

12. “The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.” – Socrates

13. “There are no facts, only interpretations.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

14. “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anaïs Nin

15. “Emotion is the driving force behind most, if not all, of our behaviors.” – Jenefer Palmer

16. “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos

17. “The feeling of being valuable is essential for passion and motivation.” – Anonymous

18. “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we feel.” – Anaïs Nin

19. “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey

20. “Marketing is about values. It’s a complicated world, increasingly difficult to navigate. People are hungry for guides to make choices.” – Seth Godin

21. “Behind every buying decision, there is emotion.” – Ayesha Khanna

22. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

23. “The strongest emotional appeal in advertising focuses on the deepest wants and needs of the consumer.” – Claude Hopkins

24. “The best way to persuade people is with your ears, by listening to them.” – Dean Rusk

25. “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker

One of the best tools around for understanding the customer, his needs, his true desires, and the emotional hot buttons you should press which cause him to buy is The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit.

It includes easy to follow graphics, plus fill-in-the-blank templates which show you pricely which emotions and which appeals get your prospect to buy.

Included are bonus reports every aspiring copywriter needs to get started earning money for paid copywriting gigs in less than 10 days – even with no prior experience!

In today’s crowded marketplace, an emotional appeal is clearly the best way to stand out.

Our feelings are what stick with us and compel us to take action.

As marketers, we must move beyond touting features and benefits. We must understand what truly matters to consumers on a deeper, emotional level.

When we touch their hearts, their wallets open.


Care to try?

Craft your first emotional appeal today using The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit.

To your Success!

– Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. Here’s a copy and paste link to the toolkit copywriters love: https://writeforwealthclub.com/copywriterstoolkit/

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