Tag Archive for how to write a book

Discipline Made Easy

Why is it so hard to be disciplined?

Why do we find it so hard to switch from junk foods to healthy foods?

Why do we find it so hard to exercise on a regular basis?

Why do we find it so hard to invest 10% of our income each week?

Why do we find it so hard to sit down and write every day?

Why is it so hard to be disciplined, even though all the experts tell us THIS one element is crucial to our success?

Need a book, but no time to write it?  I want to write your book. Books are ghost written all the time by celebrities. Why not you?
Too Busy? Need A Ghost Writer?

For the writers, the mantra is to write content consistently. Send emails consistently. Post content consistently on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Writing a book? Sit down and write for an hour everyday. Or so many pages. Or a chapter.

Little actions, repeated consistently over time, yield great results.

We know logically this is true. We’ve seen the results.

Water, running over rocks for millions of years, carves wonderful tourist sites like the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls. Soft water. Hard rocks. Nature shows us what consistent action over time creates! And it’s amazing.

We’ve all heard stories of the average Joe who socked away $100 every month from his lifetime postal job, died, and left a million dollars to his cat.

We understand compound interest in theory. Yet it’s so hard to keep saving those dollars today, when on the surface, it seems like nothing is happening.

So hard to keep going to the gym day after day, when we come home, and look the same.

So hard to diet. I ate almost nothing yesterday, starved through hunger pains, but when I look in the mirror, I look the same.

Discipline though, demands that we keep doing, no matter what!

Keep going they say. It takes time, they say.

So if we know discipline works, why is it so hard to do?

For the easy answer, we turn to The Salesman.

Discipline is so hard, because though “we know” we don’t believe in the value.

The salesman knows why people don’t buy. It’s because the prospect doesn’t believe the product or service represents a good value. A fair exchange of money for what the thing is, or will do.

I need a new suit. I KNOW the $2000 suit will last longer, fit better, and probably look better.

But what I need right now is a new suit for my cousin’s wedding. I just need to show up NOT in the same suit I wore to the previous 4 family functions. I don’t believe I need to spend $2000 on a suit now when $500 will get me the result I need. $2000 is not a fair exchange of money now for what I need the suit to do now.

But if my neighbor offered to sell me his Tesla for $2000, I’d buy it on the spot, even if I didn’t need it. I’d beg, borrow, or do whatever I had to do to raise the cash. Why? Because I know it represents a tremendous VALUE. 

You don’t believe that taking an hour today to write is a fair exchange of that hour for your future success. Scrolling Instagram videos or watching another Youtube video on skills development is a better use of your time today. So you put off writing. Until tomorrow.

Until you don’t. Because the time is never right. There’s always something more valuable you could do with your time today. Or so you think.

If you lack discipline, It’s because you lack belief in the value exchange today for the future outcome.

Beliefs are hard to change. But actions are easy. Actions can be changed in an instant.

Anything you are good at today, you are good at because you’ve done the same actions, repeatedly, for a long period of time. Anything that comes easy to you now, was once hard.

Take walking. At one time it was very hard for you. You fell down. You cried. You got up and tried again. Until one day, you could do it. And now, you’re an expert walker. You do it without even thinking.

Lack of belief for babies is never an issue. They just do.

As a baby, you just repeated the actions necessary to walk, until you could finally do it. Until you succeeded.

Same with riding a bicycle. Or driving a car. Any sport. Any hobby. They’re all the same. Belief was not the issue. You just did it. Repeated the successful actions until one day you could do it with ease. Then, you were a success!

Nike had the answer all along. Just do it.

Do the actions of one who has succeeded, and you will succeed too. Just do.

Don’t care why. Or How. Or when. Or if. Just do.

Want to draw better? Draw every day. Even for 5 minutes. Just start.

Want to be a writer? Write every day. Even for 5 minutes. Just start.

Want to be more fit? Exercise every day. Even for 5 minutes. Just start.

Schedule it in. Really! Do it now.

Reasearch has shown that you are more likely to do a thing if you define exactly when (what exact time) and where. Time and Place.

What time, every day, and where will you do your thing?

First thing in the morning is best so there is no excuse to have it get bumped by other “more important”, or “urgent” things.

The first hour of the day should be just for you.

You first. Put on your oxygen mask first. Save yourself. You will never get better at anything without practice. Make that practice priority #1.

So what will you practice today?

Piano? Writing? Drawing? Guitar? Investing? SEO? Marketing? Calligraphy?

Inch by inch, it’s a cinch.

Despite how it’s spelled, DISCIPLINE STARTS WITH DO.

Blinders on. Beliefs be damned. Just Do.

DO will see you through.

To your success,

Bob Schwarztrauber

P.S. If you can muster even 7 days of discipline, I’ll show you how to get your first or next book published by this time next week. Click here to see how!

How to Draw a Best Selling Book

secret gardenHow to Write Draw a Best Selling Book Quick motivational post today for those who want to ‘write’ a book, but don’t feel they have the skills. This is a post for the more artistic among us, so if you can’t draw, or sketch, or paint, or take a photograph, or can’t find someone who can to help you (Fiverr, Craigslist) then stop reading right now. You can be a best-selling author, even if writing words or crafting stories is not something that comes easily to you. Don’t believe me? That’s OK I have proof. Go over to Amazon.com and choose the search category ‘Books’. Then, narrow your search even further to ‘Best-Sellers’. Look at the #2 and #3 best-selling books listed. Notice something odd? They are BOTH adult Coloring Books! “Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book”  by Johanna Basford, an illustrator, is the #2 best-selling book in the world right now on Amazon.com. You remember Amazon.com right? The world’s LARGEST book seller. You have to sell a LOT of books to make it to the top of the Amazon.com list. Even to get on the Top 10. Johanna has two books there, and they are both COLORING BOOKS! #3 on the list is her book, “Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest & Coloring Book” Paperback If you can draw, YOU can create a book, and self-publish it using the Amazon.com, Createspace, publishing-on-demand program. If you can paint, YOU can create a book, and self-publish it using the Amazon.com, Createspace, publishing-on-demand program. If you can take a photograph, YOU can create a book, and self-publish it using the Amazon.com, Createspace, publishing-on-demand program. If you are skilled in Photoshop, YOU can create a book, and self-publish it using the Amazon.com, Createspace, publishing-on-demand program. YOU can create coloring books for adults or children. YOU can create comic books. YOU can create anime style books. YOU can create game books. Hidden object books. People are bored out of their minds and looking for an escape. A way to pass the time while waiting at school for the kids, at the doctors or the airport. They’ll reward you handsomely…if you’ll only amuse them, distract them, engage them. If only for just a short while. All that’s required is imagination. If you’re the artistic type, you already have that skill. But even if you don’t, you can always partner with someone artistic to help you achieve your vision in print. There are plenty of ‘starving artists’ who would jump at the chance to have their artwork featured in your best-selling book. No excuses now. ANYONE can create and publish their own book. If you can write about HOW you do something well, you can write a book. If you can write sarcasm, be funny, be critical, be wise, give information you can write a book. If you can draw, sketch, paint, or take a photograph, or find someone who can, you can create a book. If you can tell a story (fiction or non-fiction) or share someone else’s story, you can create a book. Oh, and did I mention it is FREE to try? Amazon.com and their Createspace program has made it so. I’ve used their program to create many of my books. I’ve helped others do it too. Let me know how I can help you achieve your dream and proudly hold your very own book in your hands, to show your friends, your family, your kids, or your boss. It’s time you finally got the recognition you deserve. It’s time you finally created an asset that will continue to pay you for years to come – without doing more work.

“You can remember the past and dream of the future, but the only time you can actually DO SOMETHING is now.”

Why not use your now to start working on your book today? It’s easier than you think. I promise.

Robert Schwarztrauber P.S. Need the attention of someone BIG who can help you? Stu Heinecke can help you. Stu is an artist who has used his skills to get the attention of President’s, captains of industry and more. His Amazon.com book, “Drawing Attention” shows you in a very humous way, how to get the attention of the people you need, all the attention you need. He’s funny. He’s inspiring. Have a look.