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Copywriter-Don’t Fail This Test

Why You Must Write and Test Copy for All Reading Levels

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Heads up copywriter. Know this…

You can craft the most compelling offer. Pile it high with indisputable proof. But if your reader cannot comprehend all the fancy-schmancy words you looked up, and plopped in to sound smart, you’re not going to sell one darned thing!

Sadly, most overestimate the ability of people to read.

Use Simple Language to Engage More Readers

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When crafting copy intended for a broad audience, it is essential you use simple, straight-forward language.

Research shows that most adult readers in the USA read at no higher than an 8th grade level.

Yet many copywriters insist on using complex words and long, run-on sentence structures that make their content difficult to understand. And this is a fatal mistake!

  1. Because many readers will get frustrated reading your difficult text and give up. Your message nevers gets through, simply because they quit reading.
  2. Studies have also shown, that when given the exact same message, written simply and then with higher level words, believability goes down as the reading level goes up. Turns out, simple is also more believable.

Check Your Writing Level with Flesch-Kincaid

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Testing copy with a tool like the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level online calculator helps copywriters ensure their language is readable and therefore, more believable.

The Flesch-Kincaide test analyzes things like average syllables per word and average words per sentence to arrive at a readability score.

This simple test generates a numeric grade level representing the reading comprehension required to grasp the copy or text.

For general audience copy, experts recommend targeting no higher than grade level 7, or at most grade 8.

But this level is probably still too high for most copywriting projects.

Expert Testimony

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Recently, famed copywriter Mark Ford wrote this about readability in the AWAI January 2024 Barefoot Writers Newsletter:

“Memorize the following sentence: The easier it is to comprehend, the more likely it is that your reader will find it to be true.


“There is a new science called Cognitive Fluency that supports this assertion. Among other things, it studies the effect of simple language on readers. What researchers have found is that a simpler statement has more credibility than a more complex one — even if they both mean the same thing. It appears, the scientists say, that our brains are hardwired to trust simpler (and familiar) things.”

New science?

In the 1950’s and 60, Eugene Schwartz, one of the highest paid copywriters of his day stated:

“The most effective copywriting uses simple, single syllable words and relatively short sentences. The message must get through to the reader easily. Complex words and convoluted sentences fail every time.”

That’s why writing at a 5th grade or even lower reading level is probably advisable for most copywriting projects which hope to persuade the average reader.

3 Points To Help Keep Copy Readable

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  1. One should always aim for maximum clarity.
  2. Use short words, one or two syllables if possible.
  3. Avoid technical jargon. Keep sentences short, under 15 words long

Simple Doesn’t Mean Simplistic

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Some copywriters fear “dumbing down” their copy. But simple need not mean simplistic.

Straight-forward language allows readers to focus on your message rather than trying to decipher complex text. (which they won’t…we’re all too impatient these days!)

Multi-syllable words can usually be replaced with less esoteric alternatives that communicate just as, or more effectively. Take the time to look up synonyms and simpler words. Or re-write your sentence entirely to make simple words fit in.

Consider the following examples.

Which sentence seems more clear?

“The ubiquitous nature of malfeasance and miscreancy in contemporary society cannot be readily ameliorated.”


“Wrong-doing and crime are common in today’s world. This problem can’t easily be fixed.”

In the second, no meaning is lost by using simpler vocabulary and structure. Yet it is far more clear and easy to understand for the average reader. They will agree with what you have written.

Build Trust with Plain Language

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Writing in plain language builds trust. This “new” Cognitive Fluency science supports this.

Readers feel respected when content is written thoughtfully at their level. Vague bureaucratic or industrial phrases filled with jargon suggest the writer is intentionally trying to obscure something. Hide something. Fool them. This causes readers to instantly disengage. The kiss of death for a copywriter.

Know Your Audience

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The key for copywriters is to know your audience. In fact, it is THE KEY.

Materials targeting experts in a complex field suprisingly do not  require writing at a higher grade level. Everyone is better persuaded by simple, clear writing; professionals and academics alike. (Though you may have to use use higher level industry words as needed to convey the appropriate message).

While content meant for a general, targeted readership should be written as clearly and directly as possible. Using simple words and simple sentences.

Testing your draft with a Flesch-Kincaid score calculator can prevent your copy from using unnecessarily high-level language which could potentially repel your readers and waste your opportunity to persuade. There’s a link to the test I use down below.

But before you start writing a single word, it’s best to use “The Copywriters Persuasion Toolkit” to discover the key motivations, desires and hidden desires, plus the buying “hot buttons” of your target audience.

The toolkit’s simple fill-in-the-blank templates and easy to read graphics make this essential (but often forgotten) task go quick and easy.

copywriting tool kit

Expert Copywriters Advise Using Simple Language

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Many copywriting legends emphasize the importance of straightforward writing for connecting with and persuading readers. Here’s what 3 experts have to say:

David Ogilvy: “Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.”

Joe Sugarman: “Don’t use pretentious words. Don’t try to impress your reader with your vocabulary. Stick to simple words that convey your thoughts simply and clearly.”

Drayton Bird: “Talk in everyone’s language, and everyone will understand.”

The simple mesage is this: Keep readability in mind as you write. And test your copy draft with tools like Flesch-Kincaid.

This is how professional copywriters start to improve reader engagement, response, and conversion. Which ultimately puts more money in your pocket! Simpler writing – more money!

Readability isn’t everything though. You still have to make a compelling case for your reader to buy in. Writing simply is just the foundation, without which, all copy eventually crumbles.

In closing, I’ll leave you with these:

6 Pearls of Simple Writing Wisdom

They’re from one of the great fiction writers of all time, the amazing, George Orwell.

In 1947 Orwell advised:


Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing (in print).


Never use a long word where a short one will do.


If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.


Never use the passive where you can use the active.


Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.


Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.

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Write simply my friends! And test to see that you do.

Here’s a link to the free, online Flesch-Kincaid Score calculator tool I use:

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Test


To insure your copy is most persuasive to your target market, I’ve found nothing better than The Copywriters Persuasion Toolkit.

To your continued writing success!

– Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. Here’s a great free bonus I just re-discovered while researching this article. It’s by my favorite copywriting mentor, Drayton Bird. Smart writers will love Drayton’s 10 Commandments for Copywriting Success. Many great old master copywriting examples, the original ads, are included there. Enjoy!

Copywriting Examples From 15 GOATS

copywriting examples

Get Copywriting Examples from These 15 GOATs

Copywriting tool kit ad

Eager to become a top-notch copywriter?

There are two paths you can take:

  1. Stumble, fumble and fight to figure it all out on your own, which will likely waste time and money, or…
  2. Take a shortcut. Learn and earn faster by feasting on the bones of those who blazed a path before you.

You need to study the masters.

Learning from the iconic copywriters of the past and present is the fastest and best way to absorb proven formulas, principles, and skills. Their time-tested books, ads, sales letters, and teachings comprise a masterclass in persuasive writing.

To help aspiring copywriting students, and even veteran copywriters sharpen their chops, here are…

15 Copywriting Legends

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Enjoy, learn from and emulate these greats, listed in no particular order:

1. David Ogilvy

Known as the “Father of Advertising,” David Ogilvy founded one of the biggest ad agencies in the world, Ogilvy & Mather. His bestselling books “Ogilvy on Advertising” and “Confessions of an Advertising Man” are required reading for any copywriting student.

Ogilvy’s iconic ads for brands like Rolls-Royce and Dove cemented his status as the most influential copywriter of the 20th century. See Ogilvy’s work, 100’s of articles and theories at Ogilvy.com

2. Claude Hopkins

Credited with pioneering many direct response tactics still used today, Claude Hopkins wrote the short, classic, and most essential books for copywriters, “Scientific Advertising” in 1923. He was among the first to test, track and optimize copy systematically.

David Ogilvy famously said, words to the effect, “No one should have anything to do with advertising until they’ve read “Scientific Advertising” 10 times”.

Like most of the old time copywriting legends, you should grab a hot cup of joe or your favorite herbal tea and Google his name. You won’t have to worry about what to do for the rest of the day.

3. John Caples

In the 1920s and 30s, John Caples took the lead in crafting magazine ads and pioneering key direct marketing techniques. His book “Tested Advertising Methods” compiled these breakthroughs for other copywriters to study. For nearly 60 years, at the top ad agency BBDO John was king, a pioneer in the techniques of effective ad testing.

Google John Caples and prepare yourself to go deep, deep, deep down the rabbit hole.

4. Gary Halbert

Gary Halbert is regarded as one of history’s best copywriters for direct mail promotions. With clients like Newsweek and Weight Watchers, he mastered the art of long-form sales letters and “everyday language that sells.” His “pull-no-punches” style, famous for wearing the hat embroidered, “Clients Suck” Gary gives you the straight poop on why people buy in a entertaining style you’ll never forget.

Read Halbert’s teachings on copywriting mastery at : https://www.thegaryhalbertletter.com/

You can, for now, still get free pdf copies of his infamous, Boron Letters here

5. Eugene Schwartz

At the forefront of behavioral psychology in advertising, Eugene Schwartz wrote iconic books like “Breakthrough Advertising”. He crafted brilliantly persuasive long-form letters for clients like The New York Times. Eugene was one of a handful of old great masters whose work and teachings still help copywriters today.

A great copywriter in his own right, Brian Kurtz has great info and tons of examples and discussion of Eugene Schwartz at: TitansMarketing.

6. Joe Sugarman

Dubbed “The Mail Order Maverick,” Joe Sugarman demonstrated innovative direct marketing through print ads and long-copy letters. His classic books include “Advertising Secrets of the Written Word” and “Triggers”. “The Adweek Copywriting Handbook” is a great resource for learning more about Joe. Famously, Joes was the genius marketer behind the hugely successful promotion of “BlueBlocker Sunglasses”.

Sugarman’s gone now, but you can Goolgle his name and find tons of examples, articles and info on him. Neil Patel has a good article about 7 of Joe’s teachings we can all learn from at: https://neilpatel.com/blog/joseph-sugarman/

7. David Deutsch

A contemporary Facebook ads expert, David Deutsch routinely achieves remarkable results with social media marketing. His book “Think Inside the Box” provides key lessons for modern digital copywriting.

Get tips on persuasive online copy at Deutsch’s blog, https://davidldeutsch.com/

8. Joanna Wiebe

Known for her mastery of copywriting across online media, SEO, and content marketing, Joanna Wiebe shares practical advice in books like “Copy Hackers Handbook”. She co-founded the prominent copywriting blog Copyblogger.

Learn from Wiebe’s teachings on digital copywriting at: https://copyhackers.com/

9. Drayton Bird

Credited with pioneering many direct marketing methods still in use, British copywriter Drayton Bird made his name writing long, meticulously-tested sales letters. He regularly shares his up to date wisdom, teachings, and what’s currently working through his website and email newsletter. His book, “How To Write Sales Letters That Sell” is a must read for every copywriter. You’ll enjoy his humorous, on-the-nose, common sense style. He’s worked for just about every major corporation and it’s hard to find another copywriter who doesn’t point to Drayton Bird as “the Man”.

Check out Drayton’s common sense copywriting free guides, and tutorials, plus his entertaining videos at https://DraytonBird.com  –Be sure to sign up for his email newsletter.

10. Gary Bencivenga

A legend in the craft of long-form sales letters, Gary Bencivenga routinely produced control packages that broke industry response records. He is renowned for seamlessly blending stories and sales psychology. Retired from copywriting and public life…

Gary Bencivenga shares his wisdom now at: https://marketingbullets.com/

11. Clayton Makepeace

Clayton Makepeace is one of the most celebrated and respected copywriters of the past 20 years. He built his reputation writing breakthrough promotion copy and selling information products via long form sales letters. His educational books include “The Ultimate Sales Letter”. All too soon gone,  Clayton was a pro andreal gentleman. He left this world in 2020 at the age of 67.

His website is now gone, but anyone can find a plethora of swipes, examples, lessons from Clayton Makepeace simply by GooglIng his name.

12. Alen Sultanic

Today’s expert in online marketing and conversion optimization, Alen Sultanic focuses his teachings on crafting persuasive copy for landing pages and digital ads. His course, “The Landing Page Sales Funnel Blueprint” is hugely popular.

Learn Sultanic’s approach to high-converting web copy and stay up to date on what’s working right now by joining his Facebook Group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nothingheldback/

13. John Carlton

Dubbed “the most respected and ripped-off veteran copywriter in the world,” John Carlton was a contemporary of Gray Halbert’s and is known for long, aggressive hard-sell promotions, like “The One Legged Golfer”

Check out Carlton’s rants, copywriting guides and tutorials at: https://www.john-carlton.com/marketing-tips/

14. Alex Brue

The co-founder of Copyhackers, Alex Brue has achieved tremendous results writing Facebook ads and online sales funnels. His educational Copy School trains aspiring digital copywriters.

Learn Brue’s approach to persuasive online copy at Copyhackers.com.

15. Ben Settle

An expert in long-form sales letters for digital products and THE EXPERT for writing emails that covert, Ben Settle takes an edgy “direct response” approach focused on maximum persuasion and profit. His many  books include his “Confessions of A Persuasion Hitman” series,  “Epic Copy” and  his famed monthly subscription, “Email Players Newletter”

Access Ben Settle’s high-intensity copywriting trainings at: https://bensettle.com/.

Wrapping Up

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This covers 15 of the most brilliant copywriting masters every student should study and model. From early pioneers to contemporary experts, when you absorb their teachings, you ‘re on the fastest path to copywriting success.

For guidance and resources to sharpen your copy skills, be sure to explore the websites above and dive into the books written by these icons of the craft. You’ll be well on your way to expert-level persuasion in no time!

The Next Step To Copywriting Success

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The one common element you find, at the core of each legend’s success, is an intimate knowledge of the market they are attempting to sell in. Without that deep knowledge you’ll be banging your head wondering why vegans won’t buy your Omaha steaks.

Seems ridculous in it’s simplicity, right?

But not knowing their core desires, the real reasons behind why they buy, (which are often hidden behind a veil of public embarassment they’ll never disclose) your promotions will draw nothing but crickets.

Your kids will be skinny. Your bank account even thinner.

If you’re a marketing genius like these guys, go ahead and bang out that winning promotion.

Most of us, are better served using tools, power tools to help us dig out the buyer hot buttons, the hidden agendas, the key motivators that are realy driving response and conversion.

Tools like those included in The Copywriters Persuasion Toolkit.

Here’s to your happy reading and your ultimate success!

– Robert Schwarztrauber