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Best Copywriting Tool for Missing Piece Marketing

Copywriting Tool for Missing Piece Marketing

Today I received a brilliant email, from a genius marketer (yes, I give you his name later!) which prompted me to remember and share, for your benefit and my fond recollection,  this story…

Mine Owner Achieves Impossible Success With MPM

Several years have passed now, since  I used the Missing Piece Marketing (MPM) strategy to do the seemingly impossible.

With MPM, and zero previous knowledge of this industry, I got…

  • The owner of a gemstone mine in China, booth space at an American Dealers Only gemstone show (actually THE largest gemstone show IN THE WORLD).
  • Sponsorship from one of the biggest, most respected names in the industry.
  • An article published about her in the gemstone industry’s most respected, scientific quarterly trade magazine – just prior to the show’s opening.
  • Her a visa to come to the United States from China – even though she’d been denied a visa 3 times before!
  • Facilitated the sale of $60,000 worth of her gemstones during her 2 wk stay

All accomplished in less than 6 months time!

I tell you this not to brag, but to demonstrate the power available to all copywriters (all marketers really) who take the time to thoroughly research exactly what their buyers (or prospects) REALLY want.

See, my research, (and believe you me, I researched this thoroughly because it was my first gemstone client ever) let me discover exactly who to target, and exactly what missing piece they desired, that I (my client) could provide.

Once armed with that information, every other issue fell fast, like dominoes.

Ultimately leading to my client selling $60,000 of fine quality loose gemstones during her first two week visit to the US of A.

Such is the power of research and  Missing Piece Marketing.

puzzle of missing piece marketing

Proper Tools Help You Find The Missing Marketing Piece

Best Copywriters Exploit What’s Missing

Your best customer is missing something vital to his success.

Or to his happiness. Or to his greed. Or his ego.

What is it?

What is that missing piece he needs?

Which you might have. Or have a way to provide.


You might choose to piggyback off the shortcomings of your competitors.

What areas are they missing or ignoring?

Most copywriters are familiar with the success of the old Coors Beer campaign where they simply touted that their beer was brewed with pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water. Nobody else at that time was talking about the water. Why should they? All beer makers use pure water, right? Of course they do. No USP there. Or is there?

Coors won the advertising wars because THEY were the FIRST to HIGHLIGHT one simple element that all the others had ignored!

Which Competitor Weakness Can You Exploit?

  • What ommissions are your competitors making? Think secretly compelling folks into lengthy subscription plans. Or hiding that if you stop buying, you loose all your previous gains.
  • What are they outright lying about? Lowest price? Free – just pay for shipping? Supplements are notoriously vague on proof.
  • What is not so special about something they claim to be special. Like Coors did.
  • What are they NOT willing to say? Think Avis – “We’re second best so we try harder.”
  • What marketing channels are they IGNORING? Youtube, TikTok, IG, Facebook, print, radio, podcast
  • What trends are they NOT leaning on? Search Google Trends for the latest updates
  • What customer struggles go UNMET? The Copywriter’s Toolkit ferrets these out fast
  • What brand assets are they NOT using? Logo, Brand colors, Brand fonts, Jingle or tagline, packaging, mascots – look what that cheeky Gecko does for Geico.
  • What specific group of people are they NOT paying attention to? Women, pet owners, Vegans, veterans, etc. Can you profitably target a sub-niche of their success? Dominoes Pizza wisely chose to locate their stores near college campuses – a constant, renewable source of prime, cheap pizza eaters!

(Big shout out to brilliant marketer, and STFO genius, Louis Grenier for todays topic. You can find him doing great, helpful work for all of us at: everyonehatesmarketers.com)

Copywriter Tool Digs Deep To Deliver Hidden Truths

Asking the right questions, and asking enough of them to really understand your prospect’s needs and deepest desires is key to creating copy that converts. To marketing that succeeds.

You won’t find any better question prompting – answer producing tool for copywriters than the Professional Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit. (imho)

It works tirelessly for me and other smart marketers to find what’s missing. Hidden secrets that you can exploit. (in a good, honest, ethically profitable way of course)

I honestly don’t think anyone can do Missing Piece Marketing effectively, or certainly fast, without the use of tools like the Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit. The work and research required for MPM, without the proper power tools, simply becomes too tedious. Most will quit too soon. Stopping just short of that one big breakthrough idea which sends results soaring.

Could this toolkit reveal that powerful “hook” you’re missing?

Could this toolkit reveal better targets to write to from the start?

Better headlines perhaps?

Bigger profits?

Better gigs?

You’ll only know what could be, what power others have been weilding that you’re not, when you click the link and try it for yourself.

There’s no downside for trying it. I anticipated your fear of the unknown already and bulit in a money back guarantee for the timid.

Here’s that link to the Copywriter’s Toolkit again:

Did you click?


Hmmm…most do. What am I missing for you?

-Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. I successfully employed the MPM strategy for writing my first Photoshop Tutorial book as well. While trying to teach myself Photoshop, I noticed that all the Youtube videos moved through too fast. I had to keep stoppoing the video to write myself notes. “Hmm…I’ll bet others have to do this too.” Missing Piece Marketing! The videos COULD HAVE SHARED transcripts. But they were MISSING! So I supplied simple crib-note tutorials in my book… and made a small fortune! You can see the latest version at PhotoshopTipCards.com

Copywriter’s Tool Finds Hidden Triggers

copywriter tools and templates

Need a simple, copywriter’s tool which is as easy to use as a child’s toy?

It reminds me of this…

Perhaps you also remember doing this, to uncover hidden messages?

It was hours of fun. Well, minutes maybe.

Remember, there was this thing you once did – with a piece
of red transparent cellophane…

You place it over top of this piece of white paper which has all sorts of red squigglies
on it.

You can see there is something bluish hidden in there, through all those
squiggles. But you can’t quite make out what it is. Or what it says.

But put that red cellophane over top and…

Bam! Suddenly, a hidden message appears.

It’s like magic!

At least to a kid it’s magic.

Adults know better. It’s not magic, it’s the science of light theory.

The red cellophane controls what you see. It’s all about reflected light.

Copywriter’s Magic Toolkit

Wouldn’t it be great if there was some ‘magic’ thing that could tell you what your customer wants?

How they wished to be advertised to. Enticed. Bribed!

Some think The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit works this way.

Like magic.

For example…

  • The way it shows you a buyer’s hidden hot buttons.
  • The way it “decodes” buyer habits to show the real reasons people buy stuff.
  • The way it filters out all the irrelevant noise, all the modern distractions, so you can focus only on solutions people are hungry to obtain.
  • The way it blocks out all the superficial chatter folks spout as need to protect their fragile egos, rather than admit their pain or weaknesses.
  • The way it reveals secrets even they don’t know they have!

Not Magic – More A Filter

Once you look at your prospect (or your product) through the “filter” of The Copywriter’s Persuasion Tool Kit, like magic you begin to see with clarity your prospect’s hidden desires, intentions, motivations and needs.

Bam! Suddenly, new ideas for more effective advertising and marketing campaigns spring up.

Bam! You see that hidden watering hole where all your best prospects are gathering. It may be Instagram, TikTok, Facebook or another place. But you see it clearly now so you can focus your efforts and marketing dollars upon where they are – instead of the guessing – which results in wasted time, money, and opportunities.

Bam! You thought your prospects needed or desired this one thing, but really they were looking for this other thing. Don’t be caught trying to sell them faster horses that eat less hay, and wagons that float upon softer springs. We need to be more like Henry Ford who could see the hidden opportunity through all the noise and clutter – to find and offer what they really needed – automobiles!

That’s the kind of filter we all need.

The Copywriter’s Persuasion Tool Kit may be no Henry Ford. But sure as folks drive cars now instead of horses, the toolkit takes anyone who previously guessed at the best marketing, and now makes them seem like magicians.

You may just feel like a kid again. A smart kid. Because now you’ll know things. Secret, hidden things about your prospect.

Yet it only seems like magic until you peek behind the curtain and see how it’s done.

You can take a peek now if you like, behind the curtain at the Copywriter’s Persuasion Tool Kit .

Folks have found it quite useful. Profitable.

Or…simply pass up the peek and keep doing things as you are. There’s probably nothing you could gain from any of the marketing, sales psychology, and persuasion geniuses of the last 100 years anyway.

Know this though, the risk to not looking – may be that you’ll continue to waste money guessing on where your marketing dollars should best be spent, where your writing should be focused.

Instead of knowing.

The investment in the toolkit is peanuts. Plus returns are never challenged – if for some, or any reason, you fail to find the magic in it.

You’ve nothing to lose at all by having a look. By trying it out. Nothing.

Conversely, the magnificent upside is, once you’ve experienced the magic, well, the sky’s the limit.

Yes. It seems like magic when it reveals how to grab the attention of your best prospects. Then, deliver up to them the exact product (or offer) they were looking for. Like magic.

Go on then. Have a peek if you’d like some adventure and clarity. Learn the secrets if you’re looking for a bit more certainty in your marketing and less wasted time. Less dollars spent where they have no effect or return on investment.

This might just take you back to that feeling you had the very first time you uncovered the hidden blue message.

Gosh it’s fun when we finally solve the puzzle!

Especially the money puzzle.

Perhaps The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit has just the piece, just the tool you’ve been searching for.

Write smart.

-Robert Schwarztrauber