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Getting Attention Part 2 – The 7 Top Internet Marketers Killing It With Niagara Falls Secret

getting attention part 2

Getting Attention Part 2 – The 7 Top Celebrity Internet Marketers Who Are Killing It With Niagara Falls Secret


If you’re struggling to get attention, or gain followers, I’m ’bout to reveal a secret little concept which will help anyone who’s looking to gain more attention, followers, or paying clients.

Now, this concept is not new. The mighty Niagara Falls has been using it some 12,000 years to great effect.

I’ve seen these results first hand, what with the falls being less than 30 minutes from my home.
My family even went to see it when they “turned off Niagara Falls” for the first time, in 1969 – for some critical safety and cosmetic engineering reasons.

Then turned it back on to continue it’s generational mission.

First, to help you get a handle on how big stuff gets done, and to peek at the formula used by Niagara Falls AND current day top Internet Marketing Celebrities, here’s 3 fun facts about Niagara Falls you should know:

See if you can guess from these facts how top internet marketers are grabbing more attention and creating massive wealth from it.

3 Fun Facts Marketers Should Know About Niagara Falls

  1. Experts say Niagara Falls has been flowing strong for over 12,000 years. That’s a long time!
  2. Every SECOND, more than 700,000 gallons of water go over the edge. For perspective, in the time it takes you to say 1-Mississippi, nearly 3/4 of a million gallons of water take the plunge. Second after second. Minute after minute. Hour after hour. 24/7 – for the past 12,000 + years. That’s a stagering volume of water.
  3. Niagara Falls has moved 7 miles from its starting point. That is, it has eroded 7 miles of solid rock. Rock that is 170 feet high and 2500 feet wide. Gone. Destroyed. Eroded. Just from the volume of water flowing over. Over time. To this day, simple, soft, water over rock is still moving the mighty Niagara Falls 1 foot closer to Lake Erie every year.

Were you able to guess the secret yet?

The attention getting, money grabbing formula used by celebrity Internet Marketers like:

  • Grant Cardone
  • Alex Hormozi
  • Andrew Tate
  • Dan Kennedy
  • Ben Settle
  • Gary Vanerchuk
  • Russell Brunson

…and more

Yes, Yes. Yes.

I know you see some familiar names here from Part 1 in this series.

And if I remember correctly, I told you in Part 1 that the greats often employ more than one “secret technique” simultaneously – to gain attention.

Drum roll please. It’s time to reveal the powerful formula used by top Internet Marketers and Niagara Falls to get great things done…

That Formula Is: Volume Over Time

Volume Over Time is the 99% effective formula for moving rocks, rivers, and the huddled masses into action.

Taken one step further, Consistent volume over long periods of time.

Works for rivers.

Works for rich guys. Warren Buffet’s most touted strategy is to consistently buy strong companies – and hold them (for long periods of time).

Works for Top Internet Marketers too.

  • Gary Vee has been preaching, “You gotta put out more content!” More Tweets. More reels. More posts. More. More. More. Daily! If you’re not getting the attention you think you deserve, you’re not putting out enough content. Volume baby!

  • Grant Cardone advised a once little known, Alex Hormozi – “Put out 10x more content if you want to get noticed.” Now, $100 Million Dollar Alex is reportedly putting out a consistent 80 pieces of content per week!

  • Ben Settle, controversial (and uber-successful) email marketer, has written about and demonstrated the virtues of sending out DAILY emails forever. Hard to argue with his big success.

Go ahead. Look up anyone on my list (at your own risk, because once the algorithm sees your interest – you can’t UN-see them) you’ll find each one posting content consistently, in volume, over long periods of time.

Same for popular YouTubers like Mr. Beast and Miles Beckler.

Post. Post. Post. Post. Nothing.

Keep posting. More. More. More. Still Nothing.


That’s what Most do. Then claim it doesn’t work.


Your 20 posts, reels, TikToks, Tweets, are like tossing a teaspoon of water into Niagara Falls!


You can’t expect to see any measurable effects from your piddly out-pourings.

Nobody tells you this. So you quit after posting what seems like a lot TO YOU.

And they win.

But it’s their secret formula, silently making the difference, behind the scenes!

Volume over time.

Are you not winning? Not gaining the attention you need to succeed?

Take comfort (and perspective) knowing these fun facts…

  • Gary Vee made YouTube wine videos nobody watched from his dad’s liquor store FOR YEARS before “suddenly” becoming an internet sensation.
  • Miles Beckler made many 100’s of posts and YouTube videos long before his business ever took off.
  • Alex Hormozi, already super-rich, didn’t become famous (grab attention) until he 10x’d his content output. Then, in one year, went from unknown to internet celebrity. By giving away FREE STUFF.
  • Dan Kennedy, who some consider the father of modern marketing methods, has been beating the drum about, reaping the rewards of, and extolling the power and value of having a proper Message To Market Match for over 40 years. This Message to Market Match is also the core principle behind the power of the Persuasion Tool Kit.
  • Russell Brunson of Click Funnels fame has only multiplied his output by teaming up with Dan Kennedy. Two powerhouses working in concert. Mega Volume.

If you get nothing else from reading today, get this…

Preoccupational thoughts flow fast and furious in our mind all day long –

Like the mighty Niagara River.

Stopping our constant flow of preoccupational thoughts, or diverting them to gain attention for even a second, will require far more force and repetitive action over time than you currently imagine.

Volume (of content, tips, ads, freebies) over time is your best, most reliable formula for getting the attention of others – and then putting that captured attention to use.

In 1969, with the right tools, engineers did “the impossible”. They stopped billions of gallons of water flowing over Niagara Falls for the first time in history.

They literally “turned off” Niagara Falls!

Now, armed with this secret formula used by top internet marketers, you hold the seemingly impossible power to stop people in their tracks. The power to Break them out of their Bubble of Preoccupation.

You can stop them dead in their thought flow – and GRAB their attention.

This formula (volume over time) is practically infallible.

Unless…Unless you’re putting out the wrong content for your audience.

Dangle books as bait for fish and they won’t bite. No matter how many books you toss out there!

How will you know what content (what bait) WILL ATTRACT the people you need to succeed?

You’ll use the Persuasion Tool Kit to find out.

This one simple Tool Kit helps you create, present, and profit from the RIGHT attention getting message.

It provides the necessary Message To Market Match as Dan Kennedy calls it, to help you create content which directly addresses the concerns, and the recurring thoughts that plague your audience daily and keep them from getting to sleep at night.

Check it out here if you fear wasting time writing things no one cares to read.

You now know the secret for getting BIG THINGS done.

What actions will you begin today?

by Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. Watch for Attention Getting PART 3 where I’ll share the 5 letter word top celebrity internet marketers are using to burst through their prospect’s Bubble of Preoccupation – to grab and hold their attention. Without this, all your other efforts could be for naught.

The Hidden Danger of AI Writers

The Hidden Danger of AI Writers Revealed


Ai this and Ai that.

All the marketing world, all the writing world, is a-buzz with talk of, and tasks for, using ai to get things done faster. Better.

“Stop struggling!” they say.

Writing is so much easier now. Just tell the ai tool what you want.

Seconds later, boom there it is!

Artificial Intelligence writing tools are an absolute wonder and time saver yes.


It’s like giving chain saws to toddlers.

If you don’t know WHAT TO WRITE your market, what your readers need…

This ai only speeds up the process of their:

indifference to you

contempt of you

dismissal of you

unsubscribing from you

blocking of you

Because, AI only works from the prompts you give it.

If you say to ai, “Write me a 500 word seo blog post listing the top 5 power tools most important to carpenters” you’ll get a quick, nice blog post for your carpenter prospects. Assuming you are targeting carpenters and not the more general niche of construction workers.

And you might post that online or send it to your email list. And get nothing. Crickets.

Because you thought this great article on the top 5 power tools for carpenters was what they wanted to know.

You may have assumed this was a problem they were Preoccupied with.

When in reality, most already know the top 5 tools
-Circular saw.
-Jig saw,
-Reciprocating saw,
-Table saw,
-Power screwdriver.

You made the all too common mistake of THINKING YOU KNOW what people want. What their problems are. What keeps them awake at night with worry.

Instead of REALLY KNOWING their concerns.

Their worries.

What they’re desperately hoping for a solution to.

Really knowing their Preoccupations.

What really keeps them awake at night?

-Is it finding more clients?

-Is it finding higher paying clients

-Is it finding jobs at all – to pay the rent this month

-Is it how much this work hurts their back, their legs, their feet?

-Is it how much they hate construction work and want to start a woodworking side hustle?

Chatgpt and all the other “of the moment” AI in the news are tremendously helpful, powerful tools.

But only when used properly.

Only when they speak directly to the PREOCCUPATIONS of the reader – are they any more effective at cutting thru the media clutter, than a plastic pumpkin saw is to cutting thru a steel I beam.

CAUTION! Use Power Tools at your own risk!

If you’re looking for a risk-free cordless tool that quickly identifies the dominant PREOCCUPATIONS of your best prospects, to finally break through and persuade them with your finest AI message, grab your instant download of the new Persuasion Tool Kit now.

Like AI, the Persuasion Tool Kit is a real time saver if you’re trying to persuade your prospects.

“Round here, the power companies say, and it’s the law… “It’s best to know what’s there before you start digging!”

Your best prospects live in a Bubble of Preoccupations.

Know those, before you start digging for gold.

The Persuasion Tool Kit (PDF) might be the best thing ever created for getting what you want, what you need, from your ideal prospect.

Need more business? More cash?

This might be the only tool you’re missing.

Check it out.

Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. The new for 2023 Persuasion Tool Kit is safe for use by all ages when used properly.