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35 Best Online Copywriting Courses to Start Your Career

Copywriting Courses for Beginners

Copywriting is a promising career path for writers in the digital age. Average salaries for copywriters range can from $40,000 to $70,000 annually, and demand is growing as more businesses require web content, social media marketing, and other promotional materials.

Copywriters can also negotiate royalty or profit sharing deals to significantly increase their income, or use their skills to promote their own or another’s products.

Many with copywriting skills work as affiliate marketers, letting others do the hard work of product creation and delivery, while they simply write compelling copy which leads the prospect to the sellers page – if the prospect buys, the writer receives a commission.

This article shares the top online courses you can use to launch a profitable copywriting career. Whether you want to work freelance or in-house, the courses listed below will build  your skills in areas like headlines, branding, SEO, persuasion, and more.

Standout Beginner Copywriter Courses

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Copyblogger (www.copyblogger.com) – One of the top sites for learning copywriting. Has free articles, tutorials, guides, and paid courses.

The Writer’s Cookbook (www.writerscookbook.com) – Free online copywriting course with 10 modules covering headlines, benefits, persuasive writing, and more.

Free Online Copywriting Courses

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1. The Writer’s Cookbook (www.writerscookbook.com) – Free online copywriting course with 10 modules covering headlines, benefits, persuasive writing, and more.

2. HubSpot Academy (academy.hubspot.com) – Free courses on writing blog posts, emails, landing pages, social media content, and more.

3. Semrush (www.semrush.com) – SEO and content marketing platform with free copywriting classes.

4. Google Skillshop (skillshop.exceedlms.com) – Free online courses from Google, including training on writing effective ads.

5. Facebook Blueprint (www.facebook.com/business/learn) – Free courses on writing compelling Facebook and Instagram ads.

6. CopywritingCourse (www.copywritingcourse.com) – Free introduction to copywriting concepts like headlines, openings, and getting attention.

7. Warrior Forum (www.warriorforum.com) – Active internet marketing forum with discussions on copywriting.

8. Quicksprout University (www.quicksprout.com/university) – Free online courses in copywriting, SEO, and content marketing from Neil Patel.

9. Daily Blog Tips (www.dailyblogtips.com) – Free blog focused on blogging tips with lots of copywriting advice.

10. Copyhackers (copyhackers.com) – Free library of copywriting resources, examples, and tutorials.

11. The Landing Page Course (www.thelandingpagecourse.com) – Free email mini-course on writing high-converting landing pages.

12. Conversion Copywriter (www.conversioncopywriter.com) – Site with a free 10-day bootcamp teaching persuasive online copywriting.

Paid Online Copywriting Courses

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1. Copyblogger (www.copyblogger.com) – One of the top sites for learning copywriting. Has free articles, tutorials, guides, and paid courses.

2. Coursera (www.coursera.org) – Offers a Copywriting: Achieving Impact and Influence certificate program through the University of California, Davis.

3. edX (www.edx.org) – Platform with a Writing Case Studies: Science and Medicine course to learn copywriting for scientific contexts.

4. Udemy (www.udemy.com) – Marketplace with dozens of copywriting courses from expert instructors. Covers different focuses like email marketing, SEO, Facebook ads, and more.

5. Skillshare (www.skillshare.com) – Subscription learning platform with copywriting classes for all levels.

6. LinkedIn Learning (www.linkedin.com/learning) – Subscription learning site with copywriting courses for social media, websites, marketing campaigns, and more.

7. Contently (contently.com) – Articles, resources, and courses for aspiring freelance copywriters, content marketers, and creative professionals.

8. Lynda (www.lynda.com) – Subscription learning site with dozens of copywriting courses for marketing, social media, branding, and more.

9. Skillcrush (skillcrush.com) – Paid online courses and bootcamps in content writing, social media marketing, and UX writing.

10. Udacity (www.udacity.com) – Platform offering a paid nanodegree in digital marketing with copywriting training.

11. FreelanceWriting (www.freelancewriting.com) – Articles, resources, and paid courses on copywriting for freelancers.

12. AWAI (www.awai.com) – Paid courses and training on direct response and long-form copywriting. Fellow writers club to promote collaboration, comaraderie, and share tips.

13. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook (www.amazon.com) – Highly-rated copywriting book with writing exercises.

14. The Copywriter’s Handbook (www.amazon.com) – Classic instructional book on copywriting.

Mixed Free/Paid Learning Platforms

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1. Creative Live (www.creativelive.com) – Platform offering paid live online classes in copywriting, content marketing, email marketing, and more.

2. General Assembly (generalassemb.ly) – In-person and online classes in digital marketing and copywriting skills offered in various cities.

3. Amazon Kindle Store – Numerous ebooks on copywriting available for Kindle devices. Search “copywriting”.

4. Problogger (problogger.com) – Blog for bloggers with articles, tools, and resources for writing online content.

5. Moz Blog (moz.com/blog) – SEO blog from Moz with tips on optimizing copy.

Copywriting Courses Conclusion

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Taking an online copywriting course is the best first step to launching your career. The courses offered will help you build a portfolio, network with other writers, and stay on top of fast-moving industry trends.

The Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit is an essential resource for every copywriter who wishes to write faster, more compelling promotions. When you really need to get to the heart of the buyers pain points, true desires, and press their buying hot buttons, (always!) this toolkit will give you everythng you need. The templates provided, and the simple graphic overview will put you light years ahead of competing copywriters who lack this resource.

The bonus reports included let any copywriter get their first paying gig fast.

Using our copywriting tools and templates will maximize your productivity and speed your way to the writer’s fast cash.

Click the link above or below to get the one tool you need to succeed as a copywriter.

Or, reach out today to learn more!

How else can I help you?

– Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. The quick links and urls provided are for your convenience and  were accurate at the time of writing this post – and are always subject to change. If you find a boken link, just let me know and I’ll correct it or remove it. Thanks!

copywriting tool kit

25 Reasons to Write a Book Now

by Bob Schwarztrauber

National Geographic reports that prehistoric dots and crimson hand stencils on Spanish cave walls, specifically the Cave of El Castillo in northern Spain, are now the world’s oldest known cave art. According to new dating results, this is perhaps the best evidence yet that Neanderthals were the Earth’s first cave painters.

If that’s the case, then it seems pretty clear now that for over 40,000 years man has been trying to communicate with others. Trying to tell a story or relay some type of information. Way back then, before written language came into being, it was done through drawings. Now we have words as our modern means of communication.

And like our Neanderthal ancestors, we all still have something to share. Here at the club our favorite sharing method is stringing words together to create some emotion, some change, some enlightenment in our fellow humans.

Too often we think with tunnel vision though. We want to write a book. But that’s often not enough motivation to cause us to begin the writing process. It’s way too easy to remain an object at rest.

So as additional motivation, here are 25 reasons why you should finally get that book written and open wide the doors of opportunity for you and your family:

1. To influence millions around the world
2. To educate millions
3. To raise awareness for your cause
4. To earn respect as a published author
5. To stand out among your friends and peers
6. To demonstrate your expertise
7. To have others pay for your “advertising”
8. To entertain
9. To leave a lasting family history or legacy
10. To offer something better than a business card
11. To offer as a gift or premium
12. To raise funds for charity and non-profits
13. To create additional sales revenue
14. To create automated streams of recurring income
15. To give purpose to your retirement years
16. To attract like-minded friends and associates
17. To direct offline clients online
18. To offer as door prize at industry, association or club events
19. To create prestige and trust
20. To create media and speaking opportunities
21. For durability, biz cards get tossed while books remain on the shelf as a subtle, constant reminder of you.
22. For personal pride
23. Your book research will expand your expertise
24. Your shared knowledge generates leads and sales

Any ONE of these…could change your life forever!

The cave men knew enough to leave their mark on the world. How will we remember you?

If you’re ready to get started now, this book might help you get done faster. It has for others.

Book Writing Magic: How to Write Your First or Next Book in Just 7 Days!