Tag Archive for sales

This Always Brings Greater Sales

How to Increase Sales Ethically

There, across the room, I spied the most beautiful woman. Elegant. Tall and slim. But with just a hint of naughty in her eyes and smile. Mischief.

She looked like a million bucks!

Being a single guy, already looking fine in my black suit and tie, I casually made my way across the room to introduce myself.

We laughed and talked for some time over drinks. Like we were old friends. We had more than a few common interests. It was one of those rare encounters where it seems like you’ve known this person forever. Though in reality, you’ve never met.

The party ended and we went our separate ways.

I sent her many emails after that night. Few were returned or acknowledged.

Almost exactly two years after the party, our magical meeting, I ran into her at this restaurant. We exchanged the usual pleasantries. Small talk. A few laughs over moments shared at the party that night.

Things were going well, like we’d never parted. So I decided to ask her boldly,

“How come we never got together after the party that night?”

“You never asked,” she said.

Just then, a sparkle from the large diamond on her left hand caught my eye.

Her husband appeared. Introductions ensued. And off they went to their table.


Is this how your business runs?

It’s a tale as old as time. Want and desire unfulfilled. Opportunites missed. Lost.

The solution, simple.

Ancient. Biblical in fact:

Mark, Matthew, Luke and others make reference to it far back as the King James Bible.

“Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”

In copywriter or salesman speak:

1. Ask for the order.
2. Seek out the best prospects to ask.
3. Show up and introduce yourself, your solutions, to those prospects.

We just need to tweak the sequence a little for our purposes.

  1. Seek out the best prospects.
  2.  Knock, say hello and let them know how we can improve their life, their circumstances.
  3. Ask them to buy.

For God’s sake, get off your ask!

Or, just as the young man above lost the love of his life forever, you’ll run into your best customer one day, already in business with another.

Your dream looks like a milion bucks. Real cash dollars.

Yet how many opportunities have you lost already?

Simply because you never asked!

You must get off your ask!

Some studies say the prospect needs to be asked 7 times. Other’s, 9 times.

Marketing genius Dan Kennedy says, once a prospects joins his list, he is asked forever and always to buy, until that prospect unsubscribes or dies!

Ask. Ask for the order.

No? Not this? OK. Well how about this?

Ask! Ask! Ask!


  • If you’re asking a man to buy tampons, you’ve got the wrong prospect.
  • If you’re asking that man to buy tampons at a football game, you’re asking at the wrong place and time too.

Wrong product. Wrong place to ask. Wrong time to ask.

Ironically, even with all this wrong doing, you might actually get him to buy some, if you asked him the right way! With a benefit or alternate use he could not refuse!

This is all super common. And biblical as well…as told by Matthew in 7:6…

“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine…”

Interpreted: offer what is appropriate and useful

Perhaps if you had a template that ticked all three boxes…

1. Identified WHO the best prospects are for your solution/product/service.
2. Showed you exactly WHERE to best reach them – WHEN and HOW (which media)
3. Fleshed out WHAT to say when you ASK by identfying their emotional buying HOT BUTTONS

You can get all three boxes ticked, and a guaranteed improvement in sales when you
grab your copy of my Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit today.

Yes, I’m asking you to take a look. To make the small investment in this proven resource
if you feel it’s right. No pressure. No games. No gimmicks. If it’s right for you, you’ll
instantly see the value – this has been my experience with those who’ve come before you
and made the right choice to invest.

Fair enough?

Get it or don’t, it’s all up to you.

Other’s have used it and found it useful. Profitable. There’s no reason I can think of that it won’t help you. In ANY industry or field. It certainly can’t hurt – because a full refund is always available if for some, or any reason you don’t find it useful.

The one thing I really must insist you do for guaranteed sales, increased profits, and fat wads of cash in your pockets is…

“Get off your ASK!”

***I’ll address a multitude of ingenius “ASK” techniques in a future post. Watch for it.

Meanwhile, the Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit will give you lots of ammunition to get started on getting more sales. As soon as tomorrow!

Hand to God!

Bob Schwarztrauber

P.S. CLICK HERE for the express path to order the Copywriter’s Persuasion Toolkit.

How Harvey Helps Boost Conversions

Copywriters Tool Kit Promo

Harvey Specter is the best closer in NYC.

You’re here, and here’s way up here.

So how does Harvey Specter, handsome, rich, arrogant lawyer of the hit Netfilx series “Suits” persuade more successfully than anyone else?

He goes in knowing (ie. finds out first) what they want most.

Or which result they fear most…

Then he shows them the way to get it. Or avoid it.

Rewind that: He shows them how doing things his way, gets them what they want most.


That sounds a lot like sales now, doesn’t it?

Isn’t that what we as copywriters hope to do? Strive to do?

We want to present a compelling message, a story, which leads the prospect to do exactly what we ask them to do. (buy this thing).

In the hope of what?

Why should they?

That’s always our biggest hurdle right?

Why buy – and why buy right now. Reason why.

  • Is it to line our pockets with filthy lucre? No.
  • Is it to have something pretty to sit on the shelf? No.
  • Is it to satiate their desire to acquire? No.
  • Is it to get a shortcut to what they really want? Better
  • Is it to get the desired result done for them, fast, guaranteed, without risk? Much Better!

We always get the best results when we know what it is they want most, right?


Trouble is, The REAL may be 7 layers deep. Buried under many superficial, socially acceptable stories they tell, to themselves and others, to seem rightous, pious, or “normal”.

I think it was famed copywriter John Carlton who promotes repeating the “why” question 7 times to get to the REAL root of the desire.

“Why do you need (want) that?” To boost my profits.

“Why do you want to boost your profits?” So I can have more take-home money.

“Why do you want more take-home money?” Because my bills are so high.

“Why are your bills so high?” Because my kid’s college, car payments, big house.

“Why do you have all these big things?” So people think of me as successful.

“Why do you need people to think of you as successful?” So I don’t think myself a failure.

“Why do you think yourself a failure?” (Silence)

 YOU: “So, if I could offer you something that would eliminate you feeling a failure, would that be something you’d want?”


Maybe what they really desire is a way to stick it to the MF who told them they’d never succeed in the first place!


How do you figure out what each prospect REALLY wants?

Funny you should ask.

The Copywriter’s Persuasion Tool-Kit does exactly that.

Why waste time hoping and praying you’ll hit the nail on the head which causes them to buy?

When you can start from a winning position by letting the tool kit dig out their hot button to buy.

Let the tool-kit show you the REAL reason that makes them super thirsty for your drink! So thirsty they’ve gotta have it. Can’t sleep thinking about NOT having it!

The Tool-Kit is based upon 100 years of proven buyer science and psychology to make it reliable for digging out the most compelling desires of your prospect – across all ages, sexes, interests and income groups.

Skilled craftsmen of every profession employ the proper tools for the job.

Why are you still wading in bare handed?

Do you long to be a closer like Harvey Specter?

Or just be a poser like Mike?

Be the REAL DEAL. Use the proper tools for the job.

Go in knowing your prospects deepest desires. Then, selling the solution becomes easy.

Let the tool kit show you how.

Bob S.

P.S. If you’re still here, thinking about it, I’d urge you to pop on over and grab a copy, risk-free with all the current bonus items now while they’re still available.