Tag Archive for sales

Know Them and Prosper

Know Them and Prosper


I was six months married when my former Chinese girlfriend called.

She ask me to do something I’d never done before.

Without hesitation, I said “Yes!”

Then began making arrangements for her and I to meet in Tucson, Arizona in February 2005.

Let me put your concerns aside now, as I tell you what I told my new bride.

This was stricktly a business deal.

And this “thing” I’d never done before was marketing gemstones. Tibetan Sunstones to be exact.

Me too. I’d never heard of this. But soon enough I’d know everything about these sparkling red and color changing gemstones.

What I learned would get this young Chinese businesswoman:

  1. A visa to the USA – when she had been denied one 4 times before
  2. A booth to sell and show her gemstones – at the largest, oldest and most prestigious gem and mineral show – in the world!
  3. Sponsored by the one of the most respected and recognized names at the event
  4. An article written about her featured in the gemstone industry’s most respected scientific magazine, the quarterly “Gems and Gemology” Magazine.
  5. $60,000 in wholesale gemstone sales the week after the show

Remember, I knew NOTHING about the business of gemstones when I said yes to taking on this marketing project.

So how did I arrange all of this in just 6 months?

— Research! —

The first step in marketing research is – find the who.

Dr. Benjamin Hardy, psychologist and author of several best selling books on acheiving success, would write a book some 10 years after my experience with this, titled, “Who Not How”.

The premise of his book being, instead of going through all the hard work of figuring out how to do something on your own, instead, find and ask someone who is already successful at what you wish to do.

A shortcut that will put you light years ahead.

Who can help you?

I let the great marketing giant Dan Kennedy’s words from several years prior be my guide.

I remember him say, that to prepare for his most successful promotions, he would spend days pouring over everything he could find in magazines at the library. Searching for a common thread, theme, player, or “hook”.

So off I went to the library. Not knowing one thing about the gemstone business or industry. Nothing. Not how they are mined, made, or sold.

I assembled stacks of industry magazines. Business and hobby. Must have been 2 piles, each a foot high.

One by one I flipped through page after page, searching for a thread to pull. A commonality. A name repeated. A theme. Recurring problems, concerns, or questions. Ads and their themes repeated across multiple issues – which showed they were successful at reaching gem buyers.

One name came up time and again. Intelligent. Respected. Successful. A household name in the industry who also happened to deal in sunstones.

The second step is knowing what THEY want.

Once I knew WHO my best prospect would be, I did a deep dive on him.

His personal history. His company’s history. What was his specialty? His passion? His problems and concerns. How could I contact him?

Contacting him is the “WHERE”. Our meeting place. The “place” where our paths cross on the Pictogram of Persuasion found in the “Persuasion Tool Kit”.

The path, or place, where you meet with the prospect may be physical, like at a store, a conference, or a meeting. Or virtual via email or advertisement. It might be when they see your video on YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. Anywhere that you become known to them. Hopefully, you have a way for them to contact you so you can “meet” them too.

The third step is acting on what you know.

Not knowing any better, little old me emailed him. This industry giant. Multi-millionaire, international gemstone expert. Told him my story. Asked if he could help.

I had a secret weapon though. I came armed with an irresistable offer for him gleaned from my research. A tease.

See, from my extensive magazine reading, it was clear that these “Asian Sunstones” were popular and profitable. But no one knew the source of this variety.

My Chinese client claimed to own the mine. Or at least, “a mine”.

Through prior diligent research, I found and got to know my best prospect, and which big stick would most likely burst through his Bubble of Preoccupation.

I took a swing. And got his attention. Then cooperation.

Many folks research. Learn lots. But fail to act upon that knowledge.

Action is essential.

In the end…

He got something he wanted. I got something I wanted. And the Chinese businesswoman got what she wanted.

Win. Win. Win.

Success like this becomes possible when you take time to really understand the motives of the people you are dealing with.

When you understand:

  1. Where they are at now.
  2. What they want now.
  3. What thoughts preoccupy their mind now

THEN you have your best chance at persuading them to do a thing.

  • The dealer got an opportunity to find the source, or at least good wholesale supplier.
  • The magazine got an interesting article for its readers – news.
  • The Chinese businesswoman got to attend a premier show, sponsored by it’s biggest name.
  • The Gem Show got publicity
  • The USA got a potential new trade source from China

To summarize:

  • Find your who (who do you wish to persuade)
  • Find out where they are at (everything you can – economically, socially, mentally, physically, problems)
  • Find out what they want (solutions to problems, status, gain)
  • Find how, what you want to accomplish, offer, or sell, can align with their needs and desires
  • Find a place to meet them
  • Present your well-researched offer

You can start from nothing, like I did here, and succeed. When you do your homework. Research.

Know them – and prosper.

The Persuasion Tool Kit will help you gather all the information you need to succeed.

Robert Schwarztrauber

Get Noticed – The BOP Busting Method

“Are you even listening!”

I barked at my daughter.

She popped over for dinner the other night.

My wife and I got on the topic of future travel plans. We always try to include all the kids in our travels, as much as everyone’s busy work schedules allow. Since our youngest was here now having dinner, it seemed like a good time to bring it up.

This was supposed to be a fun chat!

I should preface this by saying that we’ve had a pretty firm “NO PHONES AT THE TABLE” policy since they were young. Exceptions occur when expecting something important lets say. But texting, scrolling, etc are frowned upon during our meals together.

But there she was. Thumbs a blazing. Texting someone. (that is to say, paying no attention to the people, family, she “popped over to spend time with”)

I’m sure this is nothing new for you too. Product of the times.

And exactly the reason I’m writing about this now.

Everyone is walking around today in a Bubble of Preoccupation. Most often, with their attention hijacked by some sort of cell phone use.

  • People walk right out into traffic, eyes glued to the cell phone. Oblivious to the dangers.
  • They drive while using it. Crash and die while using it, despite specific laws prohibiting such reckless behavior.
  • They blatantly ignore the people they love, who are right there with them, to scroll on their phones instead.

Surrounded nearly every waking hour of their life, by not only smart phones, but also by their regular duties, jobs, tasks, worries, to-do-notes, and things they must remember not to forget…

How in the world can little old you, a complete stranger, expect to bust through this Bubble of Preoccupation to get your message through? Let alone persuade them to do the thing you wish them to do?

Even when that thing is clearly to their benefit!

If you would have any chance whatsoever of busting through this Bubble of Preoccupation, “BOP” for short, your message, think of this as your shot from a gun, is going to need a minimum of three things:

  1. Velocity – you better come in hot, and fast. You’ve got 6 seconds, tops, to get and hold their attention. Here’s a quick experiment you can do to convince yourself of our short attention spans. Watch any popular TV show, movie, or YouTube video. Notice how a new angle, clip, or break occurs every 6 seconds or so. CAUTION! – Once you try this you can’t un-see what they’re doing to you. They don’t do it for fun. It’s clearly more work to edit short video clips in. They do it because research has shown we start losing attention after 6 seconds.
  2. Mass – clearing your throat, or softly saying, “excuse me” isn’t going to work to get their attention. Spitball? Not going to burst the bubble. This requires something really solid. An irresistible offer. A clever, time-saving tip to do something they have to do. Content, message, or product so relevant and useful it can’t be ignored. And you should expect to keep firing more of the same at them. One shot seldom gets the job done. More. More. More! One more! Keep firing until they buy, die, or tell you to go away.
  3. Angle – If you come at your prospect from the wrong angle, you’ll just bounce off. You won’t get through to them. Carnival Carnies know this. They take all your money using this one principle. If you’ve ever tossed darts at the balloon wall, hoping to win a prize, you know it’s rigged. The darts bounce off. You can’t pierce the balloon unless you hit it at the proper angle. Same with people. Say you come at me telling me how much money I could save, but I’m more concerned with saving time – I don’t hear you! Wrong approach angle. And I’m definitely not going to buy whatever it is you are selling. “Bounce off man!”

Let’s wrap this up tight with a pretty bow before we go….

Velocity and mass are pretty straight forward I think. Hit’m fast and hit’m hard. Repeatedly.

Angle is a bit more nuanced. It takes strategic thought, planning, and some good data to know the best way to approach someone. To bust through their Bubble of Preoccupation. To persuade them. And come away with a positive outcome for all.

A successful process always starts with asking the RIGHT questions.

How do you get this strategic knowledge?

Smart ones start with the Persuasion Tool Kit.

Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. 100 years of proven, scientific persuasion principles from some of the most respected marketers, salesmen, copywriters, and psychologists have gone into creating the Persuasion Toolkit. (You’ll probably know some of their names already.) Listen, if your livelihood, or standard of living depends upon getting people to do something, you’ll kick yourself later if you don’t take 6 seconds now to have a look at the new Persuasion Tool Kit. Here’s the link again.