Tag Archive for titles that sell

Titles Make or Break Your Sales

A great title can make or beak book sales.

A great title can make or beak book sales.

by Bob Schwarztrauber

In today’s post you’ll learn some great tips on choosing a killer title for your book from a rather unusual source. A copywriter. But who better to learn from than someone who needs to grab a reader’s attention in order to make a living writing salesletters that sell.

The title of your book is very much like the headline in a salesletter. It must immediately capture the readers attention, it must tell him what your book is about, and it must compel him or her to want to buy the book and read more.

Many people struggle over choosing a title for their book. And they should. It’s that important. And while there are other items you should consider when choosing a title, when you see the headline examples laid out by John Forde, you’ll have much better ideas on how to chose a title for your book to increase it’s chances of selling.

Take it away John Forde!

How One Big Idea Trumps Lots of Small Ones (via http://copywritersroundtable.com)

“Shut up and listen,” I said. I was talking to Michael Masterson, the great copywriter, publisher, and best-selling author. Had I lost my mind? Not at all. Rather, I was summing up the core idea behind one of the best-selling books of all time,…

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