World’s Richest Harness This Free Power

getting attention part 3

Getting Attention Part 3

I burned this yesterday, to see if it still worked.

And it did.

Maybe you tried this as a kid?

At some point in our young lives, the science teacher tells us we can focus sunlight, through a magnifying glass, to burn a hole right through paper.

To a young boy who loved mischief, and was constantly told NOT to play with matches, this was just too tempting to pass up.

Free fire. I’m in!

Fifty years later, as I proved yesterday, this still works. And why not. The sun hasn’t changed. At least not so much that we here on Earth would notice.

But the sun really isn’t the main player here.

Focused energy is.

After all, we are surrounded by sunlight nearly every day of our life. Unless we happen to live in England, Seattle, or some other mostly cloudy place on Earth.

Sun power is all around us. Feels warm to our skin. Gives light. But seldom destroys or empowers anything.

Until its power is FOCUSED.

Same for you. And for me. And everyone else for that matter.

Born Into Power

Every day, we humans wake up with enormous stores of energy, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. For good. Or for bad. Or for naught. Our discretion.

Some, disperse their energy amongst a hundred different things.

Maybe they start with a leisurely breakfast. A cup of coffee before work begins. Better use the rest room too, so we don’t have to get up – once we start working. On the way back to our desk we have a chat with a passerby. Then notice the trash needs to be emptied. We should probably clean up our desk first so we don’t create more trash.

“Oh, here’s that picture from the picnic.” We turn to our coworker, or spouse perhaps if we work at home, and ask, “Remember this?” And off we go on another unproductive, time-wasting conversation.

Ok. Back to work. (as if we’d even started yet).

WAIT. Better call in my prescription refill before I forget again.

(clicks mouse while on hold for the pharmacy)

Here’s some new thing. Let’s watch this video to see how I can make up to $10,000 a month with only 4 hours of work. It’s only 10 minutes long.

“Hey, that looks easy!” I quit!

“Tomorrow, I’m going all in on becoming a virtual assistant to sheep farmers using TikTok.”

Most Go Round and Round

Such is the perpetual tail-chase of the unfocused. Round and round in a circle without success or even progress.

Like a spirograph drawing where one circle connects to the next. One gear turns the other and none produce forward motion.

On the other hand…

A simple lens, focused and held steady, can take the free energy all around us, and burn a hole right through paper. Create a forest fire from that. And literally scorch the Earth.

Power is freely available to all. But used by few.

Warren Buffett could buy laundromats. They are touted as one of the simplest, most profitable businesses – with little work required. But he doesn’t. He stays focused on investing in large, value businesses. He doesn’t dabble in making TikTok videos. Doesn’t flip real estate. Doesn’t open a McDonald’s. Or launch an Electric Car company. Or leverage book sales to become the world’s largest retailers in the world.

His entire life, Warren has stayed focused on HIS one particular area of investing. Becoming one of the richest men in the world through focused attention held steady.

Jeff Bezos didn’t invest like Warren. And didn’t play in technology like Elon. He focused his efforts and held firm until finding success in online retailing. Enormous success!

Andrew Carnegie focused on steel. Rockefeller ruled the oil world. Hilton honed hospitality.

All of the truly rich, the most successful, stay in their own lane. Focused on one thing.

Until their efforts sparked fire. Then they fanned those flames furiously into great fortunes.

Opportunities surround us like sunlight. They are everywhere.

But all these opportunities create nothing more than the warm feeling of sunlight – until we give ONE of those opportunities focused attention held firm.

Andrew Tate (warning: may find offensive language) offered this analogy I like, and paraphrase without the profanity:

“Imagine a rocket flying up toward the moon. It doesn’t stop half way up. It has to keep going or it falls, crashes, and burns. It has to keep going, on course. Full power. And so do you.”

“Momentum is critical. If you stop, or get distracted, mission over. Big fail. You lose.”

Be like a rocket.

Have a clearly defined destination. A mission.

What do you want? Where are you trying to get to?

Spend most of your beginning time storing up enormous reserves of fuel for the mission.
Maybe that’s getting educated on the market. Or upping your skills. Maybe it’s creating stores of content. Or building product inventories. Maybe it’s building a large list.

If you wish to sell something, or influence, or persuade someone, you will fuel up by learning all you can about your prospect. His wishes. His desires. His problems. HIs preoccupations. This will energize your powerful rocket to launch through their Bubble of Preoccupation and gain their attention.

How will you get that?

You’ll build your attention rocket, your persuasion projectile, with the Persuasion Tool Kit.

The Tool Kit gives you all the fuel (information) you need, and defines the proper angle required to penetrate your prospect’s thick Bubble of Preoccupation. The tool kit packs 100 years of proven power tools, from the world’s premier attention getters – to get, and hold, your prospect’s attention.

When you feel you have enough fuel, take aim and launch.

Realize you’ll have to deal with forces trying to knock you off course. Wind, negative comments. Changing market conditions. You’ll have to steer and adjust as you go. It will never be the straight course you imagined or plotted.

Then, keep going. If you stop, or get distracted, you’ll never make it. You’ll crash and burn.

Stay focused, adjust as you go. Hold steady and don’t ever stop.

Focused energy always yields more power than scattered energy.

Focused energy always yields more power than scattered energy.

1000 years from now, I expect curious kids like me will still be focusing sunlight with a lens and burning holes through paper.

Yet few will really understand, or ever use, the full power of focused energy in their daily life.

10% will. Do.

And succeed.

Robert Schwarztrauber

P.S. Life Saving Tip – I watched a survivalist video. Guy uses a Ziplock bag filled with water to focus the sun (like a magnifying glass) onto some dry wood shavings. Yep. Just like the paper they smoldered then grew into flame. Water into fire. Lesson: Use whatever you’ve got. There’s always more than one way to get things done. The trick is not trying everything at once. Or lacking the patience to hold with one method long enough. Packing the Persuasion Tool Kit for your mission is a good start.

Have you profited from the previous posts in this series?

Getting Attention Part 1 – 7 Celebrities Using This Powerful Tactic to Grab Your Attention

Getting Attention Part 2 – The 7 Top Internet Marketers Killing It With Niagara Falls Secret

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